It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
SYMBOL GH/s market cap BTC 1 MH/s in BTC
YABMC 54.278 14655.0605428 0.27000001
SYMBOL;GH/s;market cap BTC;1 MH/s in BTC
$ easy_install eventlet
Error on JLP market data
Error on ENJAN16 market data
Error on BM market data
Error on EN market data
Error on CRYPTOL market data
Error on BST market data
Error on CANMINE market data
Error on ANTI-PIRATE market data
Error on IMPACT market data
Error on HEDGE market data
Error on MINING market data
Error on USD market data
YABMC GH/s: 54.278 market value (in BTC): 14655.0605428 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 27000001
PUREMINING GH/s: 10.0 market value (in BTC): 4418.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 44180000
007 GH/s: 0.656 market value (in BTC): 190.24 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 29000000
JAH GH/s: 2.5 market value (in BTC): 775.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 31000000
TYGRR.BOND-A GH/s: 2.024 market value (in BTC): 546.48 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 27000000
PIMP GH/s: 0.005 market value (in BTC): 1.25 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 25000000
GIGAMINING GH/s: 100.0 market value (in BTC): 29596.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 29596000
ZETA-MINING GH/s: 7.0 market value (in BTC): 1988.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 28400000
BITBOND GH/s: 92.4 market value (in BTC): 26620.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 28809523
total GH/s: 268.863 total volume (in BTC): 78790.0305428 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 29304898
SYMBOL GH/s market cap BTC 1 MH/s in BTC
YABMC 54.278 14655.0605428 0.27000001
SYMBOL;GH/s;market cap BTC;1 MH/s in BTC
import json
import eventlet
from import urllib2
#List of all assets
#General data for each ticker symbol
#Dividend data for each ticker symbol
#Market depth for each ticker
def fetchmarket(url):
page = json.loads(fetch(url))
page = {'t5dvol': 0, 'latest_trade': 0, 't24hvol': 0, 'min': 0, 'max': 0, 'bid': 0, 't5davg': 0, 'btc_vol_total': 0, 't7davg': 0, 'ask': 0, 't24havg': 0, 'quantity': 0}
print "Error on " + url[28:] + " market data"
return [page, url]
def fetchdividend(url):
page = json.loads(fetch(url))
page = []
print "Error on " + url[38:] + " dividends"
return [page, url]
def fetch(url):
return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
assetlist = json.loads(fetch(""))
marketdict = {}
dividendurls = []
marketurls = []
for asset in assetlist:
dividendurls.append("" + asset)
marketurls.append("" + asset)
pool = eventlet.GreenPool(size=2)
for asset in pool.imap(fetchdividend, dividendurls):
dividends = asset[0]
marketdict[asset[1][38:]] = {'dividends' : dividends}
for asset in pool.imap(fetchmarket, marketurls):
ticker = asset[0]
ticker['dividends'] = marketdict[asset[1][28:]]['dividends']
marketdict[asset[1][28:]] = ticker
miningbonds = {'GIGAMINING': 5000000,
'BITBOND': 2100000,
'PUREMINING': 1000000,
'YABMC': 1000000,
'ZETA-MINING': 1000000,
'JAH': 1000000,
'TYGRR.BOND-A': 1000000,
'OBSI.1MHS': 1000000,
'007': 1000000,
'PIMP': 1000000,
'CANMINE': 40000000}
total_hashes = 0
total_value = 0
for asset in miningbonds.keys():
if marketdict[asset]['dividends'] != [] and marketdict[asset]['latest_trade'] > 0:
outstanding_shares = marketdict[asset]['dividends'][-1]['shares_paid']
total_hashes += outstanding_shares * miningbonds[asset]
latest_trade = marketdict[asset]['latest_trade']
total_value += latest_trade * outstanding_shares
print asset + ' GH/s: ' + str(outstanding_shares * miningbonds[asset] / 1000000000.0) + "\tmarket value (in BTC): " + str(latest_trade * outstanding_shares / 100000000.0) + "\taverage value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): " + str( (1000000 * latest_trade * outstanding_shares) / (outstanding_shares * miningbonds[asset]) )
print 'total GH/s: ' + str(total_hashes / 1000000000.0) + "\ttotal volume (in BTC): " + str(total_value / 100000000.0) + '\taverage value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): ' + str(1000000 * total_value / total_hashes)
YABMC GH/s: 47.278 market value (in BTC): 13705.8922 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 28990000
PUREMINING GH/s: 10.0 market value (in BTC): 3900.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 39000000
007 GH/s: 0.656 market value (in BTC): 189.584 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 28900000
JAH GH/s: 2.5 market value (in BTC): 775.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 31000000
TYGRR.BOND-A GH/s: 2.024 market value (in BTC): 586.96 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 29000000
GIGAMINING GH/s: 100.0 market value (in BTC): 29687.5994 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 29687599
ZETA-MINING GH/s: 7.0 market value (in BTC): 2029.99993 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 28999999
BITBOND GH/s: 92.4 market value (in BTC): 26400.0 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 28571428
total GH/s: 261.858 total volume (in BTC): 77275.03553 average value of 1 MH/s (in Satoshis): 29510282