#2 He is studying the factual knowledge of humans, not climate change, so his TITLE is perfectly appropriate.
And these are my hometown Louisiana-born, Cajun face-tious tittles:
From the prior post.
What do you notice about all 3 major classes of climate change agitators? They're all getting rich spreading lies about utter nonsense.
Science is not something you believe in. It's not a faith. It is a tool for objectively evaluating and studying our natural world. For information to be scientific it must conform to the scientific method. There is no "wiggle room" for interpretation on that point.
This assertion is true excepting where harmonic oscillation is a fundamental aspect of the system to be studied, as may be seen pointedly with titttles. In such cases, the extraordinary presence of wiggle room is inextricably bound to the gazookas themselves, according to well established Heisenburg Principal. The zonkers rule, and eliminating the wiggle room destroys the intrinsic top heavy, loaded scientific paradigm.
Look, just because these fun puppies have a balcony all their own, just because the hanger has brightly shining headlights of those naughty pillows, who would we be to deny the scientific method? Study of twins has long been a mainstay of the scientific method, as any pair of kahunas will tell you.