While highly likely to be true, I am curious as to what relationship you see between the (non)existence of God and bears having lunch.
I'll let you figure it out.
How could an all-powerful all-loving God let something this horrible happen?
You have to put things into the proper perspective. Before the fall, there was no sin, all the animals were vegetarians. This would never have happened if Adam and Eve had not partaken of the forbidden fruit. Then of course with the Goldilocks incident, we were carrying the bag for the stolen porridge incident. This sort of thing was bound to happen. Seems quite consistent with the malevolent, vindictive, desert deity Yahweh. Beside she was probably teasing some bald guy at the time or some similarly heinous sin. Remember Elisha?
Let's just hope there's about as much truth to this article, as there is to the Bible.