Do we have a consensus on the unsolved issues in this debate yet?
Correct me if I'm wrong; I've only had time to skim (not read) the last, oh, 150 pages or so (sheesh):
brg444's position:
Sidechains will reduce demand for alt-coins, and increase demand for bitcoins, by allowing alt-coin experimentation that doesn't require a completely new unit.
The economic dynamics are no different than those that would/will arise from implementing Sidechains via a federated model, such as with OT, which does not require any code change to Bitcoin. Thus, there's no more ecosystem risk to adding SIDECHAINPROOFVERIFY to Bitcoin versus doing it on OT anyways.
cypher's position:
The economic incentives surrounding Sidechains may be more complex than they look, especially when merged-mining is taken into account.
The developer incentives/precedent created by allowing a code-change to Bitcoin to get this done may have long run negative consequences, especially since the entity pushing this is for-profit, and comprised of many Bitcoin core-devs.
i've actually refined my argument down to that being the mere introduction of spvp into the source code may break Bitcoin's ability to act as Sound Money. the spvp should be viewed as an off ramp for BTC to escape to speculative assets of all types on SC's, not only to research utility chains. once Bitoins sound money function is broken, there will be no incentive to keep BTC on MC.
yes, these offramps and the SC's they lead to will be sold by Blockstream to any willing buyers.
And you still don't get it....
Federated pegs create the SAME off-ramp using a different proof mechanism. The proof mechanism has no incident on the possibility to create sidechains where BTC can escape to speculative asset.
You should take back what you said and use Melbustus' spoon fed argument for you because yours really makes no sense, once again.
and you still aren't listening. who cares about federated servers? they pose no threat cuz they don't change source code.
What breaks Bitcoin Sound Money principle?
The introduction of a change to its source code or the detachement of the BTC asset from its mainchain?
the answer is clear.
the spvp is the biggest threat cuz it breaks the sound money principle by changing source. yes, you can't stop all stupid ppl from doing a 2wp to a federated server. i'm sure some will but it won't be a large # b/c they are centralized and insecure and represent niche local community uses. they won't gain any traction and thus don't threaten the sound money principle as they are not institutionalized into the protocol.
The SPVP introduces a new proof verification method. It does not guarantee that everyone will be able to leverage it because to do so you have to depend on miners adopting your chain.
This is a very shaky proposition and it is very likely that federated servers will have an important place in the sidechain ecosystem. In fact, any of the proposed malicious schemes you have described will likely use that format.
Only community approved and adopted sidechains will be able to command MM from the miners. These are very likely to be utility chains that are 100% open source, transparent and serves the public good.
The very SPECULATIVE chains you are so concerned about will most certainly be supported by federated servers. The reason is evident and logic very intuitive : since it is impossible for them to guarantee a sufficient enough level of MM by miners, they will opt to provide "security" through a more centralized proof mechanism.
I believe you had agreed that only a certain number of chains would be MM to provide a security level equivalent to BTC. Any others are subject to the necessary centralization tradeoff.
It is for that reason that a great majority of Blockstream's chains built for clients will be AT LEAST bootstrapped on top of federated server model. It only makes sense.
Therefore, yes federated model sidechains will absolutely gain traction and detach a considerable portion of the BTC assets off the mainchain. Their off ramp, while different from SPVproof, results in the exact same mechanism.
SPVproof only enables the possibility to bestow the ultimate decentralization to the chains that command this feature. They are most certainly not an open door that allow anyone to magically "siphon" more BTC than they would through a federated sidechain.