We will be randomly giving away 1 LTC to 1 active miner
sometime between March 24,2014 and March 30, 2014to enter: send your entry via the bitmessage support address on the site
(1) send your LTC address ( please COPY & PASTE it from your wallet so there is NO errors )
(2) send the POOL you are mining in + your miner's address ( to verify eligibility )
If we receive multiple LTC addresses for the SAME miner address, that address will
be disqualified. So please don't use someone else's miner address to try to enter.
We will take the top 6 most active miners, each being assigned a number 1 thru 6.
their LTC addresses will be posted in this post below.
using a virtual dice, we will eliminate an LTC address ( associated to #1 thru 6 ) one roll at a time...
until only 1 ADDRESS remains.... That address will be sent 1 LTC

Good Luck!

GoldMine P2POOLs was created around the beginning of 2014....
and started out as a BETA
Many miners have made ALOT of coins using it....
But I admit there has been some issues with reguards to reliability:
It turned out recently that the Server had a defective AMD GPU ( R9-290 series )
and was randomly freezing up the server when GPU mining on same server....
At first I though it was the Power Supply... but turned out to be the GPU!
The R9-290 was removed last week, and the server has not froze once since.
Apparently, the r9 series were rushed out of China with defects, come to find out

With the defective r9-290 removed, and no mining on the p2pools server,
the pools are now stable and reliable.
and BTW, you will NOT want to miss the Fair Launch of PurpleCoin,
it is being extensively tested BEFORE release to ensure quality

Also, several 'inactive' pools have been removed, + some new coins & updates coming up soon.
The p2pools are ONLINE and stable now. Some Major updates & changes will happen in April 2014.
also, EUROCOIN has just been updated to the NEW wallet
p2pool.neocities.org---------- LTC GiveAway Contest: ----------
#1 = LTzQgVwmJR1mPxLuz5jT2psKc4NYQHA5KK
#2 = Lgd1n7L7cymTtzF45GpDMk7f5FTbJwTMXA
#3 =
#4 =
#5 =
#6 =
(Eliminations) DICE ROLLS: