Made this one one of them coin websites for a bit of fun. Dont take seriously ext. Ive been solo mining for about 10 mins thats all the "pre-mine" that there is. Its not ment to be taken seriously just for a bit of fun
If your interested in joining then go ahead the details are below!
Algorithm: Scrypt
Coin Name: GoldPressedLatinum
Coin Abbreviation : GPL
Address letter: G
RPC Port: 5824
P2P Port: 5823
Block reward: 200 coins
Block halving: 840,000 blocks
Total coin supply: 336,000,000 coins
Coinbase maturity: 20 blocks
Number of confirmations: 5 blocks
Target timespan in minutes: 10 minutes
Target spacing in minutes: 1 minutes
Pre-mine: 0%
To start mining in debug use;
setgenerate true -1