Think of it this way: The press might be the reason we're stagnant instead of in a hard downtrend right now.
This is exactly what I have been thinking.
The consensus among many on the board is that we are well over the trend line of the predicted adoption curve. That usually leads to a "crash" or "correction" or whatever you want to call it. The fact that we are staying within a good range around 800 to 900 shows some healthy support. This is during the holidays as well. Many people need cash right about now, so it would be expected that the price would drop again.
Each day that the price does not drop is a really healthy sign in my opinion. The news is just keeping things humming along I believe.
I do think that January we will seem some gains. Maybe even the week after Christmas. Second Market is offering some discount on fees for anyone buying in before the end of 2013. Some might be waiting until the end of the year to do that. They don't want their funds tied up very long and are just waiting, but that is a guess on my behalf.
I am really looking forward to 2013 for many reasons.
I invested later than many of you so the rewards you are already reaping will not be realized for hubby and I until next year. Don't get me wrong, I am still pleased with our investment so far, but I could not go out an buy a Tesla or mansion in Vegas yet!
(not that I really want either of those anyways!)