Not exactly what you're asking for but: a v2 version in a single script here:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import logging
import requests
from lxml import html
from random import randint
iterating = 0
napLength = 3 # time in seconds to sleep for
iterLimits = 1000 # how many API lookups till we take a Nap
from smtplib import SMTP_SSL as SMTP
from time import sleep
host = ""
usrnme = "[email protected]"
pswd = "myFancyPantsPasswording"
subject = "check this private key pls"
def send_email(from_addr, to_addr, body_text):
Send an Email
msg_body = ""
parts = ["From: %s" % from_addr,
"To: %s" % to_addr,
"MIME-Version: 1.0",
"Content-type: text/html",
"Subject: %s" % subject,
, "\r\n"]
msg_body = "\r\n".join(parts)
server = SMTP(host, 465)
# server.set_debuglevel(1)
server.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, msg_body)
def generatePage():
return randint(0,904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675)
def grabPks(pageNum):
req = requests.get(""+str(pageNum))
tree = html.fromstring(req.text)
pk = tree.xpath("//*[@id]/span[1]//text()")
resCmpress = tree.xpath("//*[@id]/a[3]//text()")
resXtend = tree.xpath("//*[@id]/a[2]//text()")
return pk, resCmpress, resXtend
while True:
pkArray = grabPks(generatePage())
for i in range(len(pkArray[0])):
if (iterating >= iterLimits):
print("taking a {0} second Nap..ZZZzzzzz".format(napLength))
iterating = -1
iterating +=1
resCmp = requests.get("" +str(pkArray[1][i]))
endCmp = resCmp.text
resXnd = requests.get("" +str(pkArray[2][i]))
endExt = resXnd.text
if "Illegal character at position" not in endCmp:
if endCmp != "0" :
print ("endCmp = " + endCmp)
print("We may have found something! check out Private Key {0}, for compressed Address {1}".format(pkArray[0][i], pkArray[1][i]))
send_email("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "check out Private Key {0}, for Adress {1}, and {2}".format(pkArray[0][i], pkArray[1][i], pkArray[2][i] ))
raise SystemExit
if "Illegal character at position" not in endExt:
if endExt != "0" :
print ("endExt = " + endExt)
print("We may have found something! check out Private Key {0}, for extended Address {1}".format(pkArray[0][i], pkArray[2][i]))
send_email("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "check out Private Key {0}, for Adress {1}, and {2}".format(pkArray[0][i], pkArray[1][i], pkArray[2][i] ))
raise SystemExit
print ("Ext: {0}, Stndrd {1}".format(endExt, endCmp))
HUNT THEM 2010 ERA COINS!!!! Currently the Script uses Directory.IO
and to parse (at random) the entire sha256 keylist page by page
256 different lookups per page (1 for compressesed public address one for standard.
Feel Free to checkout Line 63 IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW HOW BIG THIS IS...
and impractical mind you! This script may be your friend if you - can setup
and distribute this, like a botnet so that its scanning all the time from different
machines and ultimately pinging you on anything found. You are literally stealing
someone else's private key - if the BTC utxo's are OLD like 2010 old you may be
able to comformably claim those - if the funds are a couple months old however,
you may need to consider returning a large portion if not all of them back to the
rightful owner. Just like with my PK generator/checker tool this is literally for
enteratinment purposes and not designed for extended real world use. Your IP
Address may become blocked from using this toy extensively, proceed with caution.
If you DO actually happen to find a collision (ie someone else's private key),
pat yourself on the back because that's supposed to not be possible...and maybe
send a few duckets my way: 1FFbaH8YH2e7u77ewGbrAcW1EPKVJboEuu
Take a look at the first link to actually see how a private key is used to generate a public key. This embedded file simply takes out the address generation logic and runs a random lookup generator an entire page at a time to