Seen it. The Merit.txt file already has some initial hours trimmed off:
This Weeks: nMerit nTx nFrom nTo minDate maxDate
156729 70826 14056 15682 2018-01-
25 02:52:04.000 2018-05-25 02:45:40.000
Last Weeks:nMerit nTx nFrom nTo minDate maxDate
154986 69364 13904 15511 2018-01-
24 22:12:21.000 2018-05-18 02:50:12.000
The chopped off registers add up to 2359 sMerits (610 wacky deflowering the system Txs).
The weird thing I've found are a set of 9 Txs that were in last week's file and not on this weeks, belonging to the common period:
time amount msg user_from user_to converted_date1526466697 1 45212.msg37354230 1192397 209286 2018-05-16 10:31:37.000
1526427398 1 3297659.msg37378125 452769 1168027 2018-05-15 23:36:38.000
1526417463 1 1747305.msg37390368 1160524 1012481 2018-05-15 20:51:03.000
1526412210 1 3297659.msg37378125 1627661 1168027 2018-05-15 19:23:30.000
1526403535 2 2671650.msg37344086 234915 501852 2018-05-15 16:58:55.000
1526391452 2 2671650.msg37344086 1765178 501852 2018-05-15 13:37:32.000
1523884328 2 3315165.msg34758186 974425 668651 2018-04-16 13:12:08.000
1518181690 1 2669342.msg29300364 1141229 1495332 2018-02-09 13:08:10.000
1518181563 1 2669342.msg29300364 1141229 1495332 2018-02-09 13:06:03.000
I've seen this happen before, but now it is a (very minor) issue, since we have to merge files.
The above 9 TXs should be in both files. I tried to check some of the messages and they are probably deleted messages. Nevertheless, as with all Merit.txt files, the TX should remain in the file.
Any idea why this happens to those 9 TXs ?