I was forced into having a Google+ account since I do use some google services. I never participate actively in anything there though.
Funnily, today the great people at Google had in all their wisdom figured out I needed more friends at Google+, so they sent me the following suggestions (no kidding):
Hi [my name], here are some people you may know on Google+:
Satoshi Nakamoto
Tokyo, Japan
Linus Torvalds
Linux Foundation
Sure thing, I know these people. Let's be friends!
(Although I think both those humans (?) are great, it's kind of odd to send anyone a message saying that they may know Satoshi, haha.)
Maybe it's just a trap ? Puts tinfoil hat on.
A couple years ago, I opened up a G+ account to be used for my barn wood enterprise, and opted to use a pseudonym. Google, with its infinite wisdom, soon recognized it as not a real name and shut it down until I proved it was my real name. That is still their policy today, yet they will suggest a known non-existent entity to be your friend.
Now a spooky Google story that happened to me a couple two three days after the Super Bowl.
I was reading some article suggested to me via Google News. During the reading of the article, I thought of Paul Harvey and wondered what was his last broadcast before he died. Note, that the article I was reading had nothing to do with Paul Harvey. It was just some mundane rag article that caught my attention, hence possibly my mind drifting elsewhere.
I went to YouTube, which we all know is own by Google. I typed in the search box "Paul Harvey's last broadcast" (without quotes). Upon seeing the results, the first ad video (top right corner) was of a Super Bowl ad. Since I enjoy viewing all the SB ads, this one caught my attention because I hadn't see it before and it was 2 minutes long. I immediately clicked on it. It was the Dodge Ram truck commercial with a voice-over of the late Paul Harvey. I knew right then and there that Google knows what I'm thinking and that there's nothing I can do about it.
Lately, Google has been suggesting that I should be friends with some goat.
~Bruno K~