""In the published article, Google explains how the 53 qubit internally developed quantum computer – Sycamore – was able to perform a calculation in just 200 seconds. Their benchmarks suggest that this would have taken a classic supercomputer around 10,000 years to carry out the same calculation.""
Even tho 53 qubit is impressive , it is still much lower than breaking the encryption.
A 54 bit encryption requires at least 54 qubit to break it's interaction.
As BTC is using RSA 1042, you would need 1042 qubit to break it, which is extremely diffuclt to build
I am guessing we are 15 years from a 512 qubit and 25 years from a 2048 qubit
A 2048 qubit would be pretty dangerous for us right now. But let be honest, in 10 years we might have already changed our encryption to a stronger one.