Just found this for the first time.
EDIT (see timestamp): I'm glad I commented, not I'm able to quote the OP and add my favorite hashtag: #ASKFTC
Thanks for reading!
[6/26/2013 4:21:30 PM] Me: Me from Bitocin forum.
[6/26/2013 5:05:31 PM] *** Benny has shared contact details with Me. ***
[6/26/2013 5:05:37 PM] Benny: Hey there man.
[6/26/2013 5:05:50 PM] Benny: I wasn’t sure if I had added the right Me, the other guy was from russia.
[6/26/2013 5:24:13 PM] Me: No, I ma in the States ffor sure.
[6/26/2013 5:24:19 PM] Me: Sorry my audio notifer was off
[6/26/2013 6:50:14 PM] Benny: No worries man
[6/26/2013 6:50:19 PM] Benny: I’m in and out a lot today myself.
[6/26/2013 7:16:37 PM] Benny: what are you up to
[6/26/2013 7:20:48 PM] Me: Enduring the heat here; it is about 102 F.
[6/26/2013 7:21:09 PM] Me: Benwoking on one pf my upcoming promoions.
[6/26/2013 7:21:24 PM] Me: CAn’t type well today I see.
[6/26/2013 7:21:28 PM] Me: LOL!
[6/26/2013 8:19:44 PM] Benny: Hehe
[6/26/2013 8:19:49 PM] Benny: Wow thats hot.
[6/26/2013 8:19:56 PM] Benny: we are playing tag!
[6/26/2013 8:20:08 PM] Benny: I am remotely logged into this PC so skype wasn’t flashing
[6/26/2013 8:20:15 PM] Benny: youthere now?
[6/26/2013 8:33:30 PM] Benny: everyone’s talking about
[6/26/2013 8:33:38 PM] Benny: the CA DFI
[6/27/2013 1:21:06 AM] Benny: been a crazy few days
[6/27/2013 3:55:54 AM] Benny: im back
[6/27/2013 5:54:45 AM] Me: Do you mine?
[6/27/2013 5:54:51 AM] Benny: Yes
[6/27/2013 5:55:13 AM] Me: Jist got up here and having coffee
[6/27/2013 5:55:22 AM] Benny: I am also one of the partners of one of the largest mining businesses, with the ambition of being the largest at some point.
[6/27/2013 5:55:35 AM] Me: BTC or LTC?
[6/27/2013 5:55:40 AM] Benny: One of the reasons I wanted to discuss some business with you was on that topic.
[6/27/2013 5:55:56 AM] Benny: BTC, but I mine WorldCoin and BTC and LTC personally.
[6/27/2013 5:56:22 AM] Benny: I started CPU mining, then GPU. I have around 20 7970′s from my GPU mining endevours (who knows if they’ll ever recoop their value)
[6/27/2013 5:56:48 AM] Me: Whawt HR do you get from 7970?
[6/27/2013 5:57:01 AM] Benny: 730-780mh/s on BTC
[6/27/2013 5:57:07 AM] Benny: and around 730kh/s on altcoin scrypts.
[6/27/2013 5:57:17 AM] Benny: I’ve hit 800MH/s a few times
[6/27/2013 5:57:18 AM] Me: That is very good.
[6/27/2013 5:57:27 AM] Benny: I’ve spent way too many hours tweaking them.
[6/27/2013 5:57:42 AM] Benny: My room sits at like 86degrees without my AC or hotter.
[6/27/2013 5:57:44 AM] Me: You get a high stale rate?
[6/27/2013 5:57:54 AM] Benny: not really too bad, except on the altcoins
[6/27/2013 5:58:01 AM] Benny: They get their fair share.
[6/27/2013 5:58:09 AM] Benny: Do you have your minirig up and running?
[6/27/2013 5:58:13 AM] Me: We have been runningmostly 7950s
[6/27/2013 5:58:41 AM] Benny: I have some sapphire 7950 reference cards. They got insanely hot, but are solid buggers. Noisy though, which I dislike.
[6/27/2013 5:58:49 AM] Me: Yes, we have 20 plus rings running now
[6/27/2013 5:58:57 AM] Benny: rigs?
[6/27/2013 5:59:01 AM] Me: LOL!
[6/27/2013 5:59:02 AM] Me: Yeah
[6/27/2013 5:59:05 AM] Benny: computer rigs
[6/27/2013 5:59:10 AM] Benny: or BTC asics?
[6/27/2013 5:59:11 AM] Me: Need more coffee?
[6/27/2013 5:59:16 AM] Benny: ye…
[6/27/2013 5:59:20 AM] Me: LTC rigs
[6/27/2013 5:59:21 AM] Benny: i might just go make some
[6/27/2013 5:59:24 AM] Benny: wow
[6/27/2013 5:59:31 AM] Benny: I was actually pondering how some people are managing
[6/27/2013 5:59:38 AM] Benny: to do 80,000kh/s
[6/27/2013 5:59:42 AM] Benny: i guess you answer that question.
[6/27/2013 5:59:52 AM] Me: That’s how
[6/27/2013 5:59:53 AM] Benny: So you have 20 computers * 4-7GPU’s each?
[6/27/2013 5:59:59 AM] Me: Yep
[6/27/2013 6:00:02 AM] Benny: That’s awesome.
[6/27/2013 6:00:08 AM] Benny: I have about 7 rigs =)
[6/27/2013 6:00:17 AM] Benny: My money went largely into ASIC hardware.
[6/27/2013 6:00:29 AM] Me: You got anything from BFL?
[6/27/2013 6:00:43 AM] Benny: Nothing delivered yet. I saw your got your minirig, thats why I hit you up.
[6/27/2013 6:00:54 AM] Benny: I’ve ordered more than most people.
[6/27/2013 6:00:59 AM] Me: I dint ge an MR.
[6/27/2013 6:00:59 AM] Benny: http://imgur.com/j78wvLp,NekFYb0,ODARjlq,VBjcMw4,nSl133i
[6/27/2013 6:01:10 AM] Benny: What did you get?
[6/27/2013 6:01:24 AM] Me: Singles with my partners.
[6/27/2013 6:01:35 AM] Benny: Ah, thats right. I’m the one waiting on my minirigs.
[6/27/2013 6:01:46 AM] Benny: I do need more coffee.
[6/27/2013 6:02:04 AM] Benny: How much BFL equipment did you get in hand?
[6/27/2013 6:02:06 AM] Benny: Total BTC hashrate?
[6/27/2013 6:02:14 AM] Me: None yet
[6/27/2013 6:02:29 AM] Me: I ma so pised I could spit
[6/27/2013 6:03:03 AM] Me: They are so far behind taht even the MRs will not be very effective if they don’t ge them out soon
[6/27/2013 6:03:04 AM] Benny: I saw the photos.. I was hoping you came out ok…
[6/27/2013 6:03:12 AM] Benny: I thought your machine worked…
[6/27/2013 6:03:18 AM] Benny: after you fixed the power supply..
[6/27/2013 6:03:24 AM] Me: That is not me
[6/27/2013 6:03:27 AM] Benny: Ahh..
[6/27/2013 6:03:37 AM] Benny: I thought you said you got yours..
[6/27/2013 6:03:42 AM] Benny: So you have Singles on order.
[6/27/2013 6:03:54 AM] Me: I think we will get our stuff but it will be a while
[6/27/2013 6:03:56 AM] Benny: BFL is costing everyone stupid amounts of lost revenues.
[6/27/2013 6:04:08 AM] Me: BFL is making out like a bandit
[6/27/2013 6:04:22 AM] Me: They had no idea what they were doing when they started
[6/27/2013 6:04:31 AM] Benny: The only people in BFL-land that will get out of it in one piece are the employees
[6/27/2013 6:04:37 AM] Me: Yep
[6/27/2013 6:04:39 AM] Benny: I’m pretty sure they will get the heavy hand, before they know it.
[6/27/2013 6:04:55 AM] Benny: Nothing is so good to be true, when you are dealing with millions of dollars and that many angry customers.
[6/27/2013 6:04:59 AM] Me: I have heard that there are people out there realy going after BFL
[6/27/2013 6:05:05 AM] Benny: I’m surprised the better business bureau is not breathing down their necks.
[6/27/2013 6:05:17 AM] Benny: The only reason I’m not going after them is because I want my equipment.
[6/27/2013 6:05:23 AM] Benny: Did you see the link I sent you?
[6/27/2013 6:05:36 AM] Me: I know one guy has filed complaints with the Attorney General
[6/27/2013 6:05:46 AM] Me: The MR order?
[6/27/2013 6:05:52 AM] Benny: That link has 5 pages.
[6/27/2013 6:06:21 AM] Me: I am hving some problems with a newmonitor so it would not let me proceed past the fist page
[6/27/2013 6:06:31 AM] Benny: I’ve wired over $300,000 to three companies
[6/27/2013 6:06:37 AM] Benny: Probably around $400k
[6/27/2013 6:06:39 AM] Me: ??!!!!!!!!
[6/27/2013 6:06:50 AM] Benny: Maybe more actually
[6/27/2013 6:07:01 AM] Benny: Yea, a lot more actually
[6/27/2013 6:07:01 AM] Me: You have investors?
[6/27/2013 6:07:17 AM] Benny: Nope
[6/27/2013 6:07:43 AM] Benny: Heard of cloudhashing.com?
[6/27/2013 6:07:55 AM] Me: I think so, maybe
[6/27/2013 6:08:06 AM] Benny: That’s our business
[6/27/2013 6:08:10 AM] Me: I see
[6/27/2013 6:08:27 AM] Benny: Our goal once this dust all settles is to make mining available to the consumer
[6/27/2013 6:08:36 AM] Benny: Since a lot of these companies are mining solo or for themselves
[6/27/2013 6:08:49 AM] Benny: we’re also reinvesting 30% of mining monthly into new hardware
[6/27/2013 6:08:55 AM] Me: Makes sense
[6/27/2013 6:08:59 AM] Benny: So the theory is
[6/27/2013 6:09:10 AM] Benny: If Difficulty rises less than 30% monthly
[6/27/2013 6:09:12 AM] Benny: it stays ahead
[6/27/2013 6:09:25 AM] Me: True.
[6/27/2013 6:09:33 AM] Benny: In a perfect world, if we get the stuff we ordered
[6/27/2013 6:09:39 AM] Benny: We’ll have around 30TH in September
[6/27/2013 6:09:51 AM] Me: Wow!
[6/27/2013 6:10:00 AM] Me: Who else have you ordered from?
[6/27/2013 6:10:10 AM] Benny: KNCminer and around $80k with Terrahash
[6/27/2013 6:10:18 AM] Benny: we basically funded Terrahash to run their business
[6/27/2013 6:10:25 AM] Me: I see
[6/27/2013 6:10:26 AM] Benny: they used our money to buy their chips
[6/27/2013 6:10:42 AM] Me: I see
[6/27/2013 6:10:48 AM] Me: Any free samples?
[6/27/2013 6:10:50 AM] Me: LOL!
[6/27/2013 6:10:55 AM] Benny: We did
[6/27/2013 6:10:58 AM] Benny: We had free contracts on our site
[6/27/2013 6:11:04 AM] Benny: In one day we had 70 registrations
[6/27/2013 6:11:08 AM] Benny: and so many e-mails asking questions
[6/27/2013 6:11:18 AM] Benny: that we took it down because we could not field the paying customer requests
[6/27/2013 6:11:28 AM] Benny: with all the freebie users asking everything
[6/27/2013 6:11:40 AM] Benny: “how do I get a bitcoin wallet?”, “when do I get paid?”, “etc etc”
[6/27/2013 6:12:03 AM] Me: Oh, yeah, even if you have everything in yoru FAQ they are too stupid to read
[6/27/2013 6:12:06 AM] Benny: I hit you up to see if you were willing to consider leasing your mining capability to us
[6/27/2013 6:12:13 AM] Benny: while we wait for hardware deliveries
[6/27/2013 6:12:21 AM] Benny: Depending on how much mining capacity you actually have.
[6/27/2013 6:12:50 AM] Me: I actully control around 100M/hs on LTC.
[6/27/2013 6:12:59 AM] Me: brb
[6/27/2013 6:13:01 AM] Benny: thats extremely impressive.
[6/27/2013 6:13:19 AM] Benny: That’s over 100GPU’s.
[6/27/2013 6:18:53 AM] Me: Sorry, had a phone call.
[6/27/2013 6:18:54 AM] Me: Yes
[6/27/2013 6:19:29 AM] Me: NOthing like having a ton of money in video gaming cards!
[6/27/2013 6:19:35 AM] Me: LOL!
[6/27/2013 6:19:41 AM] Benny: The tricky part is, you’re earning around $10,000 per month right now
[6/27/2013 6:19:42 AM] Benny: mining litecoin
[6/27/2013 6:20:10 AM] Me: Something like that; I haven;t actually looked for a couple of days but my guys keep track of it.
[6/27/2013 6:20:18 AM] Benny: How many investors do you have?
[6/27/2013 6:20:27 AM] Me: Had to get away from it for a while.
[6/27/2013 6:20:37 AM] Benny: or partners or whatever.
[6/27/2013 6:20:47 AM] Me: There are four of us in our corp which manges things.
[6/27/2013 6:21:04 AM] Me: manages
[6/27/2013 6:21:08 AM] Benny: So that’s not bad, minus power, $2500/mo each.
[6/27/2013 6:21:11 AM] Me: around 15 investors
[6/27/2013 6:21:15 AM] Benny: oh interesting.
[6/27/2013 6:21:23 AM] Benny: So you are doing a managed service.
[6/27/2013 6:21:31 AM] Benny: In short, you didn’t fund it out of pocket
[6/27/2013 6:21:38 AM] Me: Really more like partnerships
[6/27/2013 6:21:39 AM] Benny: You built a mining service pool.
[6/27/2013 6:21:54 AM] Me: Effectively, yes
[6/27/2013 6:22:05 AM] Benny: Before I decided to buy asics, I was going to buy over 100 video cards
[6/27/2013 6:22:09 AM] Benny: Which models did you go with
[6/27/2013 6:22:14 AM] Benny: brand rather
[6/27/2013 6:22:17 AM] Benny: 7950 by sapphire?
[6/27/2013 6:22:20 AM] Me: Gigabyte 7950s
[6/27/2013 6:22:23 AM] Benny: ah
[6/27/2013 6:22:26 AM] Benny: much quieter.
[6/27/2013 6:22:28 AM] Benny: What edition?
[6/27/2013 6:22:51 AM] Me: I dunno what they are now but we bought some last week
[6/27/2013 6:23:00 AM] Benny: oh so you guys are still buliding it.
[6/27/2013 6:23:08 AM] Benny: how much are you paying
[6/27/2013 6:23:11 AM] Benny: per card at the moment
[6/27/2013 6:23:12 AM] Me: We are expanding
[6/27/2013 6:23:33 AM] Me: Around $300 USD
[6/27/2013 6:23:39 AM] Benny: Interesting
[6/27/2013 6:23:49 AM] Benny: If I had gone down the route of GPU mining further
[6/27/2013 6:23:57 AM] Benny: I found 7970′s for under $200/each
[6/27/2013 6:24:08 AM] Benny: in qty’s of 50 directly from the manufacturer
[6/27/2013 6:24:20 AM] Me: Oh, really?
[6/27/2013 6:24:35 AM] Benny: Yea, I contacted the actual assembly houses in China
[6/27/2013 6:24:50 AM] Me: I see
[6/27/2013 6:24:58 AM] Benny: sec I’ll paste you an example
[6/27/2013 6:26:51 AM] Benny: Radeon HD 6990 4GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card
[6/27/2013 6:26:54 AM] Benny: $160.50 each
[6/27/2013 6:27:04 AM] Benny: PowerColor AX7950 3GBD5-2DH Radeon HD 7950 3GB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card
[6/27/2013 6:27:07 AM] Benny: $174.50 each
[6/27/2013 6:27:07 AM] Me: Wow!
[6/27/2013 6:27:12 AM] Me: What about warranty?
[6/27/2013 6:27:19 AM] Benny: SAPPHIRE 21197-00-40G Radeon HD 7970 3GB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card
[6/27/2013 6:27:21 AM] Benny: $193.50 each
[6/27/2013 6:27:32 AM] Benny: bulk only tho
[6/27/2013 6:27:52 AM] Benny: SAPPHIRE Vapor-X 100351VXSR Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition 3GB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card
[6/27/2013 6:27:54 AM] Benny: $183.00 each
[6/27/2013 6:28:05 AM] Benny: PPHIRE Vapor-X 100351-6GVXSR Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition 6GB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card
[6/27/2013 6:28:07 AM] Benny: $287 each
[6/27/2013 6:28:23 AM] Benny: MSI R7950 Twin Frozr 3GD5/OC Radeon HD 7950 3GB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card
[6/27/2013 6:28:23 AM] Me: VEry good
[6/27/2013 6:28:25 AM] Benny: $145 each
[6/27/2013 6:28:39 AM] Benny: Yea, but I put pretty much everything into ASICs
[6/27/2013 6:28:48 AM] Benny: After I built my own little at-home dealio.
[6/27/2013 6:29:00 AM] Benny: Really just a proof of concept was my personal goal
[6/27/2013 6:29:05 AM] Benny: What motherboards are you guys using
[6/27/2013 6:29:20 AM] Benny: and how many cards per board are you achieving? Powered Risers? 1x and 16x?
[6/27/2013 6:29:20 AM] Me: How are you ging to make money at your contract prices?
[6/27/2013 6:29:33 AM] Benny: Sell contracts, mine with what we dont sell
[6/27/2013 6:29:45 AM] Me: Do you take a %?
[6/27/2013 6:29:47 AM] Benny: yea
[6/27/2013 6:29:49 AM] Benny: 10% management fee
[6/27/2013 6:29:56 AM] Me: OK
[6/27/2013 6:30:20 AM] Benny: Since you have so many investors, I’m not sure you could easily split things up
[6/27/2013 6:30:28 AM] Benny: for us to lease hashing power from ya
[6/27/2013 6:30:44 AM] Me: Are you having good luck finding clients?
[6/27/2013 6:30:46 AM] Benny: I also for some reason thought you just received a 1500GH/s miner from BFL, but I must have been blurry-eyed.
[6/27/2013 6:31:00 AM] Benny: Yea, we’re doing well in that area.
[6/27/2013 6:31:27 AM] Me: ARe you just marketing through forums?
[6/27/2013 6:31:31 AM] Benny: I’m still interested in what motherboard you guys used.
[6/27/2013 6:31:35 AM] Benny: We aren’t advertising at all.
[6/27/2013 6:31:40 AM] Me: I live only 15 miles from BFL.
[6/27/2013 6:31:42 AM] Benny: We made a couple of posts
[6/27/2013 6:31:45 AM] Benny: No kidding….
[6/27/2013 6:31:48 AM] Benny: I was considering flying to Olathe
[6/27/2013 6:31:52 AM] Benny: to go to their shop and ask for my rig.
[6/27/2013 6:31:53 AM] Me: I’ve been there
[6/27/2013 6:32:02 AM] Benny: Was it impressive or sloppy?
[6/27/2013 6:32:02 AM] Me: That would be pointless
[6/27/2013 6:32:15 AM] Me: Did not get into the back
[6/27/2013 6:32:22 AM] Benny: how mean of them.
[6/27/2013 6:32:24 AM] Me: (Redacted)
[6/27/2013 6:33:04 AM] Me: I showed up pretty much univited byt they did know I was coming.
[6/27/2013 6:33:13 AM] Me: Only met Dave.
[6/27/2013 6:33:28 AM] Benny: oh, thats pretty lame of them
[6/27/2013 6:33:37 AM] Benny: honestly, your a good customer
[6/27/2013 6:33:42 AM] Benny: and a big potential one, but they dont care.
[6/27/2013 6:33:46 AM] Benny: they are consumed by greed.
[6/27/2013 6:34:13 AM] Benny: i dont think they are all getting as rich as people think though
[6/27/2013 6:34:16 AM] Benny: they have a lot of overhead
[6/27/2013 6:34:20 AM] Benny: and press issues
[6/27/2013 6:35:34 AM] Me: (Redacted)
[6/27/2013 6:35:47 AM] Benny: If I’m not mistaken, butterfly labs spends more money on advertising pre-orders, than on actual hardware.
[6/27/2013 6:35:50 AM] Benny: lol.
[6/27/2013 6:35:52 AM] Me: I think they have taken a lot of the money and run with it
[6/27/2013 6:36:24 AM] Me: I think they are getting into big trouble
[6/27/2013 6:37:30 AM] Benny: I’ll tell you why they scaMed everyone
[6/27/2013 6:37:30 AM] Me: They “donated” 1000 BCT o that “foundation”
[6/27/2013 6:37:52 AM] Benny: They believe 1. That their corporate protection will hold up and protect the greedy owers
[6/27/2013 6:38:09 AM] Benny: 2. They can keep misleading customers and not get fined for false advertising
[6/27/2013 6:38:20 AM] Benny: They will get shut down eventually
[6/27/2013 6:38:26 AM] Benny: I’m suspecting a class action lawsuit
[6/27/2013 6:38:31 AM] Benny: Listen to this…
[6/27/2013 6:38:37 AM] Benny: I have a friend that ordered a Jalapeno from them
[6/27/2013 6:38:42 AM] Benny: July 12, 2012
[6/27/2013 6:38:50 AM] Benny: They claimed on their site they sent all orders with his order range
[6/27/2013 6:38:51 AM] Me: They have not registered in Kansas as a foreing copororation; they are incorporated in Wisconsin
[6/27/2013 6:38:53 AM] Benny: He never got his jalapeno
[6/27/2013 6:39:00 AM] Me: foreign
[6/27/2013 6:39:09 AM] Benny: So they are doing business illegally
[6/27/2013 6:39:17 AM] Benny: Why are they even in Kansas.. cheap rent?
[6/27/2013 6:39:22 AM] Me: They have other issues as well I think
[6/27/2013 6:39:34 AM] Me: Josh Zerlan lives here
[6/27/2013 6:39:41 AM] Benny: also, their equipment is not UL listed right?
[6/27/2013 6:39:47 AM] Me: Nope
[6/27/2013 6:39:52 AM] Me: Would never pass
[6/27/2013 6:40:02 AM] Me: Nor is it FCC registered
[6/27/2013 6:40:40 AM] Me: And they are playing a sales tax game which could possibly get them in big trouble with the State of Kansas
[6/27/2013 6:41:02 AM] Me: UL certification is not required
[6/27/2013 6:41:10 AM] Me: to sell stuff
[6/27/2013 6:41:26 AM] Me: FCC testing may be though; I dunno
[6/27/2013 6:42:09 AM] Me: I know that at least two guys have called everyone in sight about BFL
[6/27/2013 6:42:20 AM] Me: I ust hope we get our stuff
[6/27/2013 6:42:32 AM] Me: Also a friend has a Jala on order
[6/27/2013 6:42:41 AM] Me: A lot of good it will do him
[6/27/2013 6:47:03 AM] Benny: I’m still curious about your motherboards
[6/27/2013 6:47:11 AM] Benny: I have tried 5 different ones
[6/27/2013 6:47:22 AM] Benny: Just curious which you went with to get the most gpu’s on a board for the best price
[6/27/2013 6:50:13 AM] Me: ASUS and I’ll have to check with one of my guys on the 7 card but I think ASUS also
[6/27/2013 6:50:36 AM] Benny: Are your machines all out of the case with risers?
[6/27/2013 6:50:48 AM] Me: Ealry on we used some diff mobos though but I’d have to look it up when I get over to where most of the rigs are
[6/27/2013 6:51:32 AM] Me: All powered risers in a sort of rack mount which we designed along with a custom cooling system
[6/27/2013 6:51:50 AM] Benny: how’d you do your cooling system?
[6/27/2013 6:51:58 AM] Benny: Mine is pretty rugged…
[6/27/2013 6:52:08 AM] Benny: 10,000 BTU portable air conditioner with the vent out the window.
[6/27/2013 6:52:20 AM] Benny: but it’s really not powerful enough to cool things
[6/27/2013 6:53:46 AM] Me: We worked with an HVAC guy tod design a system which delivers cooled air to each rig
[6/27/2013 6:53:58 AM] Me: Simple but complicated at the same time
[6/27/2013 6:54:03 AM] Benny: thats smart
[6/27/2013 6:54:16 AM] Benny: so are the rigs in cases in a sense?
[6/27/2013 6:54:22 AM] Me: And our rigs are in an all concrete building below grade
[6/27/2013 6:54:24 AM] Benny: or just in their own enclosed box of some kind
[6/27/2013 6:54:35 AM] Me: No cases
[6/27/2013 6:54:55 AM] Benny: k
[6/27/2013 6:55:01 AM] Benny: what size psu are you using per rig
[6/27/2013 6:55:03 AM] Benny: 1600w?
[6/27/2013 6:55:14 AM] Me: WAy too much heat to even think about cases
[6/27/2013 6:55:26 AM] Me: 2 PSUs per rig
[6/27/2013 6:55:33 AM] Benny: what size psu’s.
[6/27/2013 6:55:44 AM] Benny: I have double PSU connector cables also.
[6/27/2013 6:56:02 AM] Me: 1500s
[6/27/2013 6:56:07 AM] Benny: I have 2 1400W, 4 1200w, 1050, and some other one.
[6/27/2013 6:56:16 AM] Benny: wow thats some beefy power
[6/27/2013 6:56:22 AM] Benny: So are you guys doing 7 cards per rig at this point?
[6/27/2013 6:56:40 AM] Me: More than is needed but that helps with efficiency
[6/27/2013 6:56:43 AM] Me: Yes
[6/27/2013 6:56:55 AM] Benny: When you say it helps with efficiency, what do you mean exactly?
[6/27/2013 6:57:05 AM] Me: I am beginning to think there is no real advantage to 7 card rigs though
[6/27/2013 6:57:26 AM] Benny: Interesting.
[6/27/2013 6:57:26 AM] Me: PSUs are running no where near capacity, so they run cooler
[6/27/2013 6:57:31 AM] Benny: ahh
[6/27/2013 6:57:34 AM] Benny: good point.
[6/27/2013 6:57:48 AM] Me: Mobo and processor costs for 7 card rigs are ridiculous
[6/27/2013 6:57:56 AM] Benny: I really like the Rosewill 1400w colored PSU’s. they look neato.
[6/27/2013 6:59:14 AM] Me: Yeah, I like pretty lights but I think most of ours are just plain black
[6/27/2013 6:59:26 AM] Me: we have some Rosehills and they work out very well
[6/27/2013 6:59:36 AM] Me: Rosewill
[6/27/2013 6:59:39 AM] Me: LOL!
[6/27/2013 7:04:05 AM] Me: WE caught a ton of PSUs on sale a while back and went crazy so we have a good stock waiting to be installed.
[6/27/2013 7:10:25 AM] Benny: thats aweome
[6/27/2013 7:11:04 AM] Benny: so how many singles did you order
[6/27/2013 7:14:14 AM] Me: More than six but allunder different names.
[6/27/2013 7:14:26 AM] Benny: Let me know if you figure out the mobo
[6/27/2013 7:14:29 AM] Benny: I’m curious.
[6/27/2013 7:14:38 AM] Benny: Apparently my rampage IV extreme can do a lot of cards
[6/27/2013 7:14:40 AM] Benny: but I havent pushed it.
[6/27/2013 7:14:47 AM] Me: I’ve got it someplace here in a file but you know how that goes!
[6/27/2013 7:15:16 AM] Benny: In all reality, if BFL doesn’t ship boxes in the next 2 months
[6/27/2013 7:15:18 AM] Benny: everyone loses.
[6/27/2013 7:16:36 AM] Me: True
[6/27/2013 7:16:42 AM] Me: And there will be no refunds
[6/27/2013 7:17:49 AM] Me: Hey, I am going to have to run as I have to take car into tire shop.
[6/27/2013 7:18:46 AM] Me: I’ll be back online this afternoon
[6/27/2013 7:19:00 AM] Me: Enjoyned the chat and TTYL!
[6/27/2013 7:28:32 AM] Benny: take care bro
[6/30/2013 2:34:35 PM] Me: So, how are things going?
[6/30/2013 4:57:06 PM] Benny: great
[6/30/2013 4:57:09 PM] Benny: how about yourself?
[6/30/2013 7:56:18 PM] Me: Eh, so far behind that I don’ know where I am!
[6/30/2013 7:56:26 PM] Me: In and ou all day.
[6/30/2013 7:56:29 PM] Me: out
[7/12/2013 9:13:44 PM] Benny: hows it going
[7/13/2013 1:05:16 PM] Me: Sorry, fell asleep with Skype still showing I was on.
[7/13/2013 1:05:33 PM] Me: Very busy promoting the mining service.
[7/13/2013 1:30:14 PM] Benny: Where you promoting it?
[7/13/2013 1:40:50 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/13/2013 1:41:20 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/13/2013 1:45:58 PM] Benny: nice man!
[7/13/2013 1:46:04 PM] Benny: Did you ever find out for me what mobo your using
[7/13/2013 1:46:05 PM] Me: Thanks!
[7/13/2013 1:46:23 PM] Me: Oh, yeah; ASUS on most
[7/13/2013 1:46:26 PM] Benny: yea but model
[7/13/2013 1:46:34 PM] Me: Let me see if I can find the exact one
[7/13/2013 1:46:36 PM] Me: moment
[7/13/2013 1:47:21 PM] Me: No, I forgot.
[7/13/2013 1:47:30 PM] Me: My guy swithced over to MSA
[7/13/2013 1:47:34 PM] Benny: msi?
[7/13/2013 1:47:34 PM] Me: MSI
[7/13/2013 1:47:38 PM] Benny: Gd65?
[7/13/2013 1:47:56 PM] Me: 990FXA-
[7/13/2013 1:47:57 PM] Me: yeah
[7/13/2013 1:48:09 PM] Me: For five card rigs
[7/13/2013 1:48:27 PM] Me: The 14 card rigs are a pain in the ass and I’m not sure they are worth it
[7/13/2013 1:48:58 PM] Me: he just ordered a new MoBo for the 7 card rigs but I’m not sure what that one is right now
[7/13/2013 1:51:35 PM] Benny: most likely gd65
[7/13/2013 1:51:47 PM] Benny: what psu’s did you guys decide to go with
[7/13/2013 1:52:03 PM] Benny: seems 2 x 1200′s is better than 1 1600
[7/13/2013 1:52:08 PM] Benny: or even 2 x 1050s
[7/13/2013 1:52:09 PM] Benny: is probably plenty
[7/13/2013 1:52:10 PM] Me: 990FXA-GD65-V2
[7/13/2013 1:52:23 PM] Me: Cheap but good
[7/13/2013 1:52:32 PM] Me: Rosewill PSUs
[7/13/2013 1:52:44 PM] Benny: i love my rosewill 1400s but they are not cheap
[7/13/2013 1:53:05 PM] Me: Yep but they last and will run at nearly fullpower if you want them to
[7/13/2013 1:53:23 PM] Me: Most PSUs will only reliably run at 80% max
[7/13/2013 1:53:52 PM] Benny: nice
[7/13/2013 1:57:54 PM] Benny: what cpu u guys throwing on those
[7/13/2013 1:58:05 PM] Benny: you all must have a nice rented area
[7/13/2013 1:58:08 PM] Benny: to draw all this power
[7/13/2013 1:58:23 PM] Me: We own the building.
[7/13/2013 1:58:42 PM] Me: I actually bought it a few years ago intending to use it for another purpose.
[7/13/2013 2:00:11 PM] Benny: I found some rosewill 1000watts on sale today
[7/13/2013 2:00:13 PM] Benny: for $99/each
[7/13/2013 2:00:25 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/13/2013 2:00:33 PM] Me: Not a bad deal!
[7/13/2013 2:01:14 PM] Benny: those will run 6 gpu’s easily
[7/13/2013 2:01:14 PM] Benny: in tandem.
[7/13/2013 2:01:24 PM] Benny: Who do you guys buy your powered risers from
[7/13/2013 2:01:27 PM] Me: Yeah, they would
[7/13/2013 2:01:29 PM] Benny: im tired of crappy quality powered risers
[7/13/2013 2:01:31 PM] Benny: ive had so many fail
[7/13/2013 2:01:48 PM] Me: Where have you been getting yours?
[7/13/2013 2:02:01 PM] Benny: i tried one guy
[7/13/2013 2:02:01 PM] Benny: out of canada
[7/13/2013 2:02:09 PM] Benny: and all the 1x to 16x were crap
[7/13/2013 2:02:30 PM] Benny: hashrateproducts
[7/13/2013 2:02:41 PM] Me: Oh, yeah
[7/13/2013 2:05:16 PM] Benny: dude
[7/13/2013 2:05:19 PM] Benny: this thread will make you cry.
[7/13/2013 2:05:20 PM] Benny: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/closed-rosewill-1000-watt-80-plus-modular-psu-fast-priority-shipping-67870
[7/13/2013 2:05:35 PM] Benny: People offering 15 BTC for a 1000W psu in 2012 LMAO!!!
[7/13/2013 2:05:53 PM] Benny: 45BTC final offer
[7/13/2013 2:05:56 PM] Benny: ahhahahahahahaha
[7/13/2013 2:06:01 PM] Benny: and then 50BTC
[7/13/2013 2:06:03 PM] Benny: its so funny
[7/13/2013 2:15:46 PM] Benny: Let me ask you this
[7/13/2013 2:16:03 PM] Benny: How much kh would you be able to provide for $50,000?
[7/13/2013 2:16:20 PM] Benny: I’d expect a better deal than the single consumer price
[7/13/2013 2:17:21 PM] Me: Yeah, lost my power here at the hose for a couple of minutes and hd to restart
[7/13/2013 2:17:47 PM] Benny: np
[7/13/2013 2:18:26 PM] Me: I live in an older ‘burb with houses of varying ages and of course we still have overhead power lines
[7/13/2013 2:18:35 PM] Me: Hose next door is like 100 yrs old
[7/13/2013 2:19:20 PM] Me: On hot days we sometimes get power glitches
[7/13/2013 2:20:13 PM] Benny: nice
[7/13/2013 2:20:18 PM] Benny: did ya see my above question
[7/13/2013 2:22:01 PM] Me: Just now
[7/13/2013 2:22:09 PM] Me: It was so far up
[7/13/2013 2:22:18 PM] Me: Dammit, I know where……
[7/13/2013 2:24:00 PM] Me: You know, we got a bunch a while back from the mfr but I’ll hve to ask one of my tech gusy
[7/13/2013 2:24:23 PM] Me: We have ordered from HRstore before though and not had trouble with his stuff
[7/13/2013 2:24:24 PM] Benny: I meant did you see my question about how much kh/s you would build for me for $50,000
[7/13/2013 2:24:26 PM] Me: Your burn up?
[7/13/2013 2:24:37 PM] Me: NOpe, missed that one!
[7/13/2013 2:24:39 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/13/2013 2:24:53 PM] Me: Oh, jeez, that would be a lot for sure
[7/13/2013 2:24:54 PM] Benny: I’d expect a better deal than the consumer price on your ads
[7/13/2013 2:25:00 PM] Me: Oh, yeah, of course
[7/13/2013 2:25:13 PM] Me: You want it hosted here?
[7/13/2013 2:25:24 PM] Benny: I have between $500k and 1.5mil in BTC mining rigs
[7/13/2013 2:25:34 PM] Benny: and I want to build a massive altcoin setup
[7/13/2013 2:25:36 PM] Me: Jesus Christ!
[7/13/2013 2:26:09 PM] Benny: CloudHashing is my business, not sure if you recall us talking about it
[7/13/2013 2:26:18 PM] Benny: originally I was hitting you up to lease your mining setup
[7/13/2013 2:26:40 PM] Benny: yea if you host it, i can focus on biz
[7/13/2013 2:26:42 PM] Benny: and not building rigs
[7/13/2013 2:27:06 PM] Benny: I’d like the ability to remote into them and mine whatever altcoin pool i want, basically just have you guys manage it
[7/13/2013 2:27:18 PM] Me: Sure, we could do that.
[7/13/2013 2:27:25 PM] Me: there is plenty of rom
[7/13/2013 2:27:35 PM] Benny: I mean, if you want to build me a massive altcoin farm
[7/13/2013 2:27:41 PM] Benny: I can fund it
[7/13/2013 2:27:53 PM] Me: OK, let’s talk more.
[7/13/2013 2:28:00 PM] Benny: I can cal you if you want
[7/13/2013 2:28:13 PM] Me: I have to get out the documentation for exact equpment costs, etc
[7/13/2013 2:28:25 PM] Benny: if you want i can call you here on skype or by phone
[7/13/2013 2:28:28 PM] Benny: to discuss
[7/13/2013 2:28:42 PM] Me: Could we talk on the phone tomorrw at about 2 pm my time?
[7/13/2013 2:28:55 PM] Benny: sure dont see why not
[7/13/2013 2:29:01 PM] Me: Good.
[7/13/2013 2:29:16 PM] Me: I have to leave here in a few minutes due to a prior commitment
[7/13/2013 2:29:18 PM] Benny: I just finished my BSA/AML compliance policy for FINcen
[7/13/2013 2:29:21 PM] Benny: glad to get that done
[7/13/2013 2:29:33 PM] Benny: paying for my attorneys kids to go to college as usual
[7/13/2013 2:29:45 PM] Me: Oh, jeez!
[7/13/2013 2:29:55 PM] Benny: yea, my legal fees are $30k monthly at least
[7/13/2013 2:29:58 PM] Benny: its nuts
[7/13/2013 2:30:16 PM] Me: Why?
[7/13/2013 2:30:29 PM] Benny: I have five businesses, 3 in the bitcoin space, 2 in oil and gas
[7/13/2013 2:30:36 PM] Me: I see
[7/13/2013 2:30:51 PM] Benny: and bitcoin is so cutting edge
[7/13/2013 2:30:55 PM] Benny: that they have to do all kinds of research
[7/13/2013 2:30:57 PM] Benny: to figure out the liabilities
[7/13/2013 2:30:59 PM] Benny: of my projects
[7/13/2013 2:31:22 PM] Benny: if the govnt siezes your money, because you cheaped out on legal fees
[7/13/2013 2:31:24 PM] Benny: your fked
[7/13/2013 2:31:26 PM] Me: Yeah and lawyers are always so far behind even on ordinary, much less internet law
[7/13/2013 2:31:40 PM] Benny: plus i do a lot of big contract deals
[7/13/2013 2:31:52 PM] Benny: and those take lawyering to avoid being screwed
[7/13/2013 2:32:00 PM] Me: Yep
[7/13/2013 2:32:06 PM] Benny: i mean, i dont wire people money witohut a contract
[7/13/2013 2:32:10 PM] Benny: that’d be dumb
[7/13/2013 2:32:16 PM] Me: Exactly
[7/13/2013 2:32:39 PM] Benny: I actually considered filing a class action lawsuit against BFL
[7/13/2013 2:32:46 PM] Benny: but i’m waiting to see what they do
[7/13/2013 2:33:09 PM] Benny: They owe me 4.5TH in hardware
[7/13/2013 2:33:18 PM] Me: I heard that Kansas Dept of Revenue is afer hem for sales tax frad but that is not public
[7/13/2013 2:33:26 PM] Me: fraud
[7/13/2013 2:33:30 PM] Benny: i’m not surprised.
[7/13/2013 2:33:47 PM] Benny: The fastest way to take them down
[7/13/2013 2:34:07 PM] Benny: would be to anonymously submit a suspicious terrorist threat report to the US govt on BFL Josh
[7/13/2013 2:34:08 PM] Benny: LOL
[7/13/2013 2:34:16 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/13/2013 2:34:34 PM] Me: Him and his rented airplane!
[7/13/2013 2:34:38 PM] Benny: BFL josh has links to Al Queda and BFL is a money laundering operation
[7/13/2013 2:34:52 PM] Benny: funding cuba and al queda!
[7/13/2013 2:34:57 PM] Benny: and then byebye josh lol
[7/13/2013 2:35:01 PM] Me: Oh, boy!
[7/13/2013 2:35:13 PM] Me: that WOULD start some stuff!
[7/13/2013 2:35:31 PM] Me: OK, I have to run now so we’ll get together at 2 pm tomorrow?
[7/13/2013 2:35:33 PM] Benny: yea, i wouldn’t do that because i take terrorist shit seriously
[7/13/2013 2:35:38 PM] Benny: but that would def fk him up
[7/13/2013 2:35:39 PM] Benny: LOL
[7/13/2013 2:35:46 PM] Me: No shit
[7/13/2013 2:35:47 PM] Benny: sounds good man
[7/13/2013 2:35:57 PM] Me: OK< thanks and see you then!
[7/13/2013 2:35:58 PM] Benny: number? and ur name?
[7/13/2013 2:36:07 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/13/2013 2:36:13 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/13/2013 2:36:20 PM] Benny: (Redacted)
[7/13/2013 2:36:21 PM] Benny: hehe
[7/13/2013 2:36:36 PM] Me: No, I am (Redacted) so been going by that for years
[7/13/2013 2:36:50 PM] Benny: ur in kansas anyway
[7/13/2013 2:36:55 PM] Me: yep
[7/13/2013 2:37:01 PM] Benny: you should go to BFL for me I’d pay you
[7/13/2013 2:37:06 PM] Benny: to go annoy them on my behalf
[7/13/2013 2:37:10 PM] Benny: I know you cant make them do anything
[7/13/2013 2:37:16 PM] Me: Shit, I bben there already and hey pay no atention
[7/13/2013 2:37:20 PM] Me: they
[7/13/2013 2:37:22 PM] Benny: I’ll send you with an attorney
[7/13/2013 2:37:27 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/13/2013 2:37:29 PM] Benny: seriously
[7/13/2013 2:37:36 PM] Me: WE might talk about that
[7/13/2013 2:37:37 PM] Benny: I have attorneys offices there in kansas
[7/13/2013 2:37:41 PM] Me: That would be too funny
[7/13/2013 2:37:46 PM] Benny: I think it would help
[7/13/2013 2:37:50 PM] Me: Who is your lawyer here?
[7/13/2013 2:37:56 PM] Benny: My firm has operations in every state
[7/13/2013 2:38:01 PM] Me: Oh, I see
[7/13/2013 2:38:03 PM] Benny: its a big firm
[7/13/2013 2:38:05 PM] Benny: its international
[7/13/2013 2:38:10 PM] Benny: Dorsey and Whitney
[7/13/2013 2:38:58 PM] Me: I guess it is!
[7/13/2013 2:39:43 PM] Me: OK< well, I’ll see you tomrorrow at 2 then!
[7/13/2013 2:39:51 PM] Benny: take care jr
[7/13/2013 2:41:19 PM] Me: U 2!
[7/14/2013 6:12:39 PM] Benny: yo
[7/15/2013 1:14:58 PM] Me: Hello
[7/15/2013 1:15:11 PM] Me: The best laid plans………..
[7/15/2013 1:15:13 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/15/2013 1:18:52 PM] Me: Have a few errands to run but will be back by 3 pm CDT.
[7/15/2013 3:10:10 PM] Benny: ahhh
[7/15/2013 3:10:14 PM] Benny: you back?
[7/15/2013 7:00:03 PM] Me: Back now. Family issue. I hate family issues.
[7/15/2013 8:42:36 PM] Benny: me too bro.
[7/15/2013 8:42:44 PM] Benny: any luck sorting out options for the farm
[7/15/2013 8:42:53 PM] Benny: i just recently bought about 10 7950/7970s (a blend)
[7/15/2013 8:43:03 PM] Benny: and another psu/mobo
[7/15/2013 8:43:14 PM] Benny: I’ll be maxing out my at-home power pretty soon hehe
[7/15/2013 9:01:54 PM] Me: Sorry, was out side!
[7/15/2013 9:02:12 PM] Me: There has been a disturbance in The Force and I am ditching my partners.
[7/15/2013 9:02:23 PM] Benny: Seriously?
[7/15/2013 9:02:26 PM] Me: yep
[7/15/2013 9:02:32 PM] Me: Have o.
[7/15/2013 9:02:34 PM] Benny: Got time for a phone chat?
[7/15/2013 9:02:37 PM] Me: Have to
[7/15/2013 9:02:38 PM] Me: Yep
[7/15/2013 9:02:41 PM] Benny: number?
[7/15/2013 9:02:45 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/15/2013 9:02:51 PM] Benny: k
[7/15/2013 9:50:49 PM] Benny: my headset went crazy
[7/15/2013 9:51:01 PM] Benny: let me give you jingle in a few. gotta sort out a couple things
[7/15/2013 9:51:10 PM] Benny: you are quite famous as (Redacted) lol
[7/15/2013 9:57:19 PM] Me: yep
[7/15/2013 9:57:33 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/15/2013 9:57:34 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/15/2013 9:57:43 PM] Benny: pretty hilarious stuff
[7/15/2013 9:57:45 PM] Benny: im glad i got out of spam
[7/15/2013 9:57:47 PM] Benny: they are going to jail now
[7/15/2013 9:57:53 PM] Benny: back then it was just a “please stop emailing me”
[7/15/2013 9:57:59 PM] Benny: i stopped around 03
[7/15/2013 9:58:00 PM] Me: Oh, yeah!
[7/15/2013 9:58:17 PM] Benny: i started during dialup
[7/15/2013 9:58:19 PM] Benny: internet.
[7/15/2013 9:58:20 PM] Benny: lol
[7/15/2013 9:58:29 PM] Benny: when AOL was #1
[7/15/2013 9:58:34 PM] Benny: most of my emails were aol haha
[7/15/2013 9:58:37 PM] Me: I did not start internet until 1999
[7/15/2013 9:58:49 PM] Me: AOL was good for spam back then
[7/15/2013 9:59:21 PM] Me: I’ll be outside with phone having a cool one when you call
[7/15/2013 10:28:10 PM] Me: At any rate, if you like, I will handle this issue for you in whatever manner you specify and maintain complete confidence.
[7/15/2013 10:28:41 PM] Benny: thanks man
[7/15/2013 10:28:46 PM] Benny: I’ll post you on what I can asap
[7/15/2013 10:28:53 PM] Me: OK, cool!
[7/15/2013 10:28:58 PM] Benny: Need to run to the bank
[7/15/2013 10:29:00 PM] Benny: b4 they close in 30min
[7/15/2013 10:29:01 PM] Me: Thank you for your confidence!
[7/15/2013 10:29:13 PM] Me: 10:30 here
[7/15/2013 10:29:13 PM] Benny: ttyl:)
[7/15/2013 10:29:18 PM] Me:
[7/16/2013 11:36:14 AM] Me: Hot down here today. Already 90 F.
[7/16/2013 1:39:03 PM] Me: Out on errands.
[7/16/2013 6:06:38 PM] Me: Back and will be around for he restof the night except for 45 mins between 7:00 and 7:45 pm CDT.
[7/16/2013 6:06:49 PM] Me: Phone at:
[7/16/2013 6:07:14 PM] Me: (Redacted)is best if I do not answer skype within a minute or two.
[7/16/2013 7:55:22 PM] Me: Back now if you need to talk with me about anything.
[7/16/2013 8:36:34 PM] Benny: Thx still sorting stuff it’s madness
[7/16/2013 8:43:34 PM] Me: Sure
[7/16/2013 8:43:52 PM] Me: You still want me to pick that up for you?
[7/16/2013 9:09:39 PM] Benny: Sorting it. Thx bro
[7/16/2013 9:14:04 PM] Me: OK
[7/16/2013 9:14:19 PM] Me: I would so like to go to BFL to pick up that thing!
[7/16/2013 9:14:22 PM] Me:
[7/16/2013 9:15:47 PM] Me: Are they now complety in the 3-4 piece rigs or did you guys get one of the single Minis?
[7/16/2013 9:15:52 PM] Me: Just curious.
[7/16/2013 9:44:37 PM] Me: I have Dr’s appt tomorrow morning at 10 am my time and I do not know how long it will take butshould be back by 1 pm my time.
[7/16/2013 9:44:50 PM] Me: Friday as we discussed is wide open.
[7/16/2013 10:30:24 PM] Me: A any rate, I’ll be around tomorrow afer Dr, so hit me up and I would like to tlak with you about LTC farms.
[7/16/2013 10:31:47 PM] Benny: cool.
[7/16/2013 10:31:56 PM] Benny: will do, dealing with legal stuff all day.
[7/16/2013 10:32:00 PM] Benny: thanks for the updates man.
[7/16/2013 10:32:05 PM] Benny: I’ll know the status of things by tomorrow.
[7/16/2013 10:33:44 PM] Me: OK, thanks and just let me know.
[7/16/2013 10:33:52 PM] Me: More than willing o help!
[7/16/2013 10:34:09 PM] Me: I’d like to see one of those things in person anyway!
[7/16/2013 10:34:11 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/16/2013 10:34:16 PM] Benny: By the way, you’ll notice cloudhashing is on google now
[7/16/2013 10:34:20 PM] Benny: if you do some google searches
[7/16/2013 10:34:22 PM] Benny: you’ll see what i mean
[7/16/2013 10:34:29 PM] Benny: if you google things regarding bitcoin etc
[7/16/2013 10:34:46 PM] Benny: Type Bitcoin Mining
[7/16/2013 10:34:48 PM] Benny: for example
[7/16/2013 10:34:50 PM] Benny: into a google search.
[7/16/2013 10:37:53 PM] Me: Oh, yeah, I did searched but before I had found the link elsewhere; maybe n one of the forums.
[7/16/2013 10:38:06 PM] Me: You are going viral.
[7/16/2013 10:38:21 PM] Me: “i did searched”?
[7/16/2013 10:38:36 PM] Me: Hoo, boy I am typing well tongiht!
[7/16/2013 10:38:39 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/16/2013 10:38:42 PM] Benny: yea
[7/16/2013 10:38:47 PM] Benny: its going to get big fast.
[7/16/2013 10:38:53 PM] Me: I agree.
[7/16/2013 10:39:07 PM] Benny: our goal, between us, is to make the term “cloudhashing” synonymous
[7/16/2013 10:39:09 PM] Benny: with bitcoin
[7/16/2013 10:39:31 PM] Benny: In the sense that people think “cloudhashing” and their brain goes “oh thats how you get bitcoins”
[7/16/2013 10:39:35 PM] Me: Yep and you get that Mini in there and it will blow up things like crazy!
[7/16/2013 10:39:42 PM] Benny: obviously the techie people
[7/16/2013 10:39:48 PM] Benny: are always going to do their own thing
[7/16/2013 10:39:52 PM] Benny: but they are .0001%
[7/16/2013 10:39:54 PM] Benny: of the world
[7/16/2013 10:40:01 PM] Me: Exactly.
[7/16/2013 10:40:14 PM] Me: I have been saying just that for some time.
[7/16/2013 10:40:38 PM] Me: BC will be the currency of he elie without things like Cloud.
[7/16/2013 10:40:45 PM] Me: elite
[7/16/2013 10:41:19 PM] Benny: what drivers do you use
[7/16/2013 10:41:20 PM] Benny: for 6 pgus
[7/16/2013 10:41:21 PM] Benny: gpus
[7/16/2013 10:41:30 PM] Benny: because i tried 12.10 + sdk 2.5 and it wont even detect opencl now
[7/16/2013 10:42:27 PM] Me: My guy was using F43 on all the old gigabytes but that has changed so I’m not sure what he is up to now.
[7/16/2013 10:43:01 PM] Me: He is no longer helping the former partners.
[7/16/2013 10:43:12 PM] Benny: ah I think I need Windows 7 x64
11.xx drivers
[7/16/2013 10:44:04 PM] Me: Windows works a lot better than Linux
[7/16/2013 10:44:22 PM] Me: I had Win on all units even though it meant buying licenced copies
[7/16/2013 10:44:46 PM] Me: I can’t do LInus anyway and am not abou to learn
[7/16/2013 10:44:51 PM] Me: don’t have time.
[7/16/2013 10:58:54 PM] Me: Ima gonna hit it as it is 11:00 pm here, so hit me up tomorrow so we can plan out if things work that way.
[7/16/2013 10:58:57 PM] Me: Thanks!
[7/16/2013 10:58:59 PM] Me: night!
[7/16/2013 10:59:56 PM] Benny: seeya
[7/17/2013 5:52:10 AM] Me: (Redacted) on the BFL forum is thinking of selling his Minirig pre-order.
[7/17/2013 5:52:45 AM] Me: check the Shoutbox archive at around (Redacted) CDT.
[7/17/2013 5:55:55 AM] Me: No, he has decided to sell it for sure!
[7/17/2013 6:02:08 AM] Benny: link?
[7/17/2013 6:08:40 AM] Me: Moment.
[7/17/2013 6:08:49 AM] Me: Just got his email……
[7/17/2013 6:09:56 AM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/17/2013 6:10:23 AM] Me: Just put (Redacted) in the subject line and he will know what it is about.
[7/17/2013 6:10:33 AM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/17/2013 6:10:43 AM] Benny: link to shoutbox?
[7/17/2013 6:10:47 AM] Me: moment
[7/17/2013 6:12:23 AM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/17/2013 6:14:06 AM] Me: It is a November 2012 order.
[7/17/2013 6:20:41 AM] Benny: yea
[7/17/2013 6:20:46 AM] Benny: we only need in hand stuff
[7/17/2013 6:21:28 AM] Me: I understand but thought I’d let you know anyway as there are foew with the resources to grab onto a minirig.
[7/17/2013 6:22:05 AM] Me: 0621 here and working on coffee!
[7/17/2013 11:50:49 AM] Me: Back from DR and am told that I shall live on.
[7/17/2013 4:13:04 PM] Me: 100F here again today, so I am sticking close to the boxes.
[7/17/2013 6:37:17 PM] Me: Anything going on?
[7/17/2013 6:37:28 PM] Benny: were waiting
[7/17/2013 6:37:30 PM] Benny: to hear
[7/17/2013 6:37:34 PM] Benny: should be late tonight
[7/17/2013 6:37:35 PM] Benny: that we’ll know.
[7/17/2013 6:43:32 PM] Me: OK, cool!
[7/17/2013 6:43:55 PM] Me: You waitng to hear from BFL or your people?
[7/17/2013 6:45:31 PM] Benny: bfl
[7/17/2013 6:46:57 PM] Me: Ah, I see!
[7/17/2013 6:47:13 PM] Me: Recalcitrant mofos, aren’t they?
[7/17/2013 6:47:51 PM] Me: If the go for it, just tell them that “you representative” will be picking it up.
[7/17/2013 6:48:04 PM] Me: your, I mean
[7/18/2013 12:48:35 PM] Me: Any interest still in building a large LTC farm?
[7/18/2013 2:03:56 PM] Me: errand
[7/18/2013 2:03:57 PM] Me: brb
[7/18/2013 2:28:49 PM] Me: back
[7/18/2013 5:07:42 PM] Me: Hey, any word on the deal yet today?
[7/18/2013 5:07:51 PM] Me: Just trying to make plans for tomorrow.
[7/18/2013 7:44:33 PM] Me: I guess nothing going on, eh?
[7/18/2013 10:07:53 PM] Me: Well, if I can help you in fuure, let me know.
[7/18/2013 10:08:06 PM] Me: Perhaps we can still do some business yet.
[7/18/2013 10:08:09 PM] Me: Night!
[7/18/2013 10:49:54 PM] Benny: arey ou there?
[7/19/2013 5:30:04 AM] Benny: Hey
[7/19/2013 5:32:21 AM] Benny: 1PM July 29th
Your Contact: Joe Morgan at the colo (816-335-4115)
J Morgan & Associates, LLC
324 E. 11th St
Kansas City, MO
Telephone: +1 816 335 4115
E-mail: [email protected]
[7/19/2013 5:32:26 AM] Benny: oops
[7/19/2013 5:32:29 AM] Benny: 1pm July 19th
[7/19/2013 5:32:32 AM] Benny: ie later today.
[7/19/2013 5:58:33 AM] Me: got it
[7/19/2013 5:58:48 AM] Benny: thx man
[7/19/2013 5:58:56 AM] Me: I’ll be there!
[7/19/2013 5:58:58 AM] Me:
[7/19/2013 5:59:06 AM] Benny: my # is 907-230-0737 you can call me from there whenever
[7/19/2013 5:59:13 AM] Me: Ok, will do!
[7/19/2013 5:59:23 AM] Benny: We cannot complete the sale until its confirmed, rock on brotha.
[7/19/2013 5:59:40 AM] Me: I’ll let you know!
[7/19/2013 11:30:33 AM] Benny: Did you call someone at the colo?
[7/19/2013 11:39:55 AM] Me: Doing that now just before leaving
[7/19/2013 11:41:36 AM] Benny: i mean
[7/19/2013 11:41:39 AM] Benny: have you called them
[7/19/2013 11:41:44 AM] Benny: before i sent you that message?
[7/19/2013 11:42:01 AM] Benny: Do not call the colo.
[7/19/2013 11:42:08 AM] Benny: Unless you dont know where to find them
[7/19/2013 11:42:15 AM] Benny: because BFL has not coordinated it with them yet
[7/19/2013 11:42:56 AM] Benny: I received a phone call from BFL saying someone was trying to call the colo and the colo called BFL upset that someone was calling them out of the blue asking about boxes.
[7/19/2013 11:43:05 AM] Me: Not me
[7/19/2013 11:43:12 AM] Me: On the phone with them now
[7/19/2013 11:43:25 AM] Me: Nice conversation
[7/19/2013 11:43:33 AM] Me: Colo center is not on 11th by the way
[7/19/2013 11:43:42 AM] Me: It is actually at 1325 TRacy.
[7/19/2013 11:43:42 AM] Benny: good thing you called to sort that out.
[7/19/2013 11:44:04 AM] Me: NO shit!
[7/19/2013 11:44:21 AM] Me: No, I slept in this morn!
[7/19/2013 11:44:25 AM] Me: LOL!
[7/19/2013 11:44:46 AM] Me: there are so many people pissed off at BFL I’m surprised their phone lines aren’t on fire.
[7/19/2013 11:46:22 AM] Me: Anyway, I’m leaving now to make sure I get there on time.
[7/19/2013 11:46:33 AM] Me: I’ll call you from there!
[7/19/2013 11:48:42 AM] Benny: k thanx
[7/19/2013 5:42:49 PM] Me: I found ou some very interesting stuff today while I was there.
[7/19/2013 5:42:54 PM] Me: You should call me.
[7/19/2013 5:43:04 PM] Me: (Redacted)
[7/19/2013 5:57:24 PM] Benny: i will
[7/19/2013 5:57:28 PM] Benny: giMe a sec
[7/19/2013 6:09:30 PM] Benny: [email protected]
[7/20/2013 9:49:13 PM] Me: Are you Benny on the LTC forum?
[7/20/2013 9:50:07 PM] Me: I thinknot but just wanted to double check.
[7/20/2013 10:06:16 PM] Me: Night!
[7/21/2013 2:21:38 PM] Me: WEll, are we rich ye?
[7/21/2013 2:21:40 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/21/2013 2:21:44 PM] Me: yet
[7/21/2013 2:21:53 PM] Me: Shit, can’t type today.
[7/22/2013 7:24:42 AM] Me: DR’s appt this morn for stress test, so I will be in and out because it is a two-part test which will take up much of the day.
[7/22/2013 4:42:00 PM] Me: Any excitement today?
[7/22/2013 6:40:03 PM] Me: I think BFL is giving Lab_Rat minirigs for his operation.
[7/22/2013 6:40:18 PM] Me: Not sure bu he is about to make an announcement.
[7/22/2013 6:41:16 PM] Benny: what is his operation?
[7/22/2013 6:44:47 PM] Me: moment
[7/22/2013 6:44:56 PM] Benny: oh
[7/22/2013 6:44:58 PM] Benny: the bitfunder one
[7/22/2013 6:45:00 PM] Benny: i know of it
[7/22/2013 6:45:06 PM] Me: Yep
[7/22/2013 6:45:07 PM] Me: that one
[7/22/2013 6:45:29 PM] Me: He is incestuously in bed with BFL.
[7/22/2013 6:45:40 PM] Me: Nice guy though
[7/22/2013 6:46:23 PM] Me: He has announced through the Shoutbox on the BFL forum that he is about to tell everyone something big
[7/22/2013 6:55:35 PM] Me: Reads like more back door stuff to me.
[7/22/2013 7:53:57 PM] Me: I will be available all day tomorrow but may be outside from time to time.
[7/22/2013 9:28:39 PM] Me: OK, so what up?
[7/22/2013 9:29:23 PM] Me: BFL screwing you around?
[7/22/2013 9:44:06 PM] Benny: Nope
[7/22/2013 9:44:08 PM] Benny: We’re online man.
[7/22/2013 9:44:21 PM] Benny: https://bitminter.com/livestats/toplist
[7/22/2013 9:47:48 PM] Me: OK, cool!
[7/22/2013 9:48:19 PM] Me: So whatis up with BFL and the shit?
[7/22/2013 9:48:46 PM] *** Benny sent hash_details.jpg ***
[7/22/2013 9:49:08 PM] Benny: dinner time
[7/22/2013 9:49:09 PM] Benny: bbiab
[7/22/2013 9:49:18 PM] Me: Yeah.
[7/22/2013 9:54:52 PM] Me: Tomorrow, eh?
[7/22/2013 9:55:01 PM] Me: Night!
[7/23/2013 2:37:19 PM] Me: Keep an eye on things but I’m sure you are anyway.
[7/23/2013 2:38:00 PM] Me: I’m getting a lot of PMs from BFL customers indicating that they are requesting refunds bu are either not being responded to or denied.
[7/23/2013 7:42:48 PM] Me: so, you ge your deal done?
[7/23/2013 7:42:57 PM] Benny: yea its been done
[7/23/2013 7:43:00 PM] Benny: for a day
[7/23/2013 7:43:01 PM] Benny:
[7/23/2013 7:43:55 PM] Me: Cool
[7/23/2013 7:44:10 PM] Me: ARe you actually in possession or are you hosting with them?
[7/23/2013 7:44:27 PM] Me: I ask only because I am a bi concerned about BFL’s future.
[7/23/2013 7:44:54 PM] Me: Way too many people raising Hell with them.
[7/23/2013 7:45:50 PM] Benny: hashing w/ them
[7/23/2013 7:45:53 PM] Benny: which is fine for now
[7/23/2013 7:46:03 PM] Benny: we cant afford to do anything but at the moment
[7/23/2013 7:46:17 PM] Benny: every day in transit is 5-10btc lost.
[7/23/2013 7:47:59 PM] Me: Yeah, I can dig it.
[7/23/2013 7:48:13 PM] Me: Did they catch you up on your other orders?
[7/23/2013 7:49:12 PM] Me: I am crious abou this as my partners have 2013 Singles orders.
[7/23/2013 7:49:38 PM] Me: $25K worth
[7/23/2013 7:50:52 PM] Me: Joe impressed me as being kind of a nice guy but a bit of a weasel at the same time.
[7/23/2013 7:57:02 PM] Me: How much power do the new Minis draw if you know?
[7/23/2013 7:57:12 PM] Me: I notice they have two power cords.
[7/23/2013 7:58:03 PM] Me: Heavy-duty cords at that!
[7/23/2013 8:25:34 PM] Me: Hey, you go away?
[7/23/2013 8:32:04 PM] Me: My idiot partners in the LTC farm shut off the power from the inside.
[7/23/2013 8:49:21 PM] Me: Tough for them.
[7/23/2013 8:49:53 PM] Me: The power is in my name and I have the keys to the meter box.
[7/23/2013 8:50:47 PM] Me: They wanna play, I can show them how to play and write the rules.
[7/23/2013 8:59:53 PM] Me: You die?
[7/23/2013 9:04:03 PM] Benny: nope
[7/23/2013 9:04:08 PM] Benny: just dealing with the usual daily crazyness
[7/23/2013 9:07:38 PM] Me: I understand.
[7/23/2013 9:07:54 PM] Me: My day was a bit funny also
[7/23/2013 9:08:33 PM] Me: Spent this morn in the ER due to dehydration and afer effects of the tests I had yesterday.
[7/23/2013 9:08:45 PM] Me: I am 100% OK though.
[7/23/2013 9:09:24 PM] Me: $3800 later…………….
[7/23/2013 9:09:26 PM] Me: LOL!
[7/23/2013 9:09:54 PM] Me: So did they bump someone or just build a rig for you?
[7/23/2013 9:17:17 PM] Benny: good thing
[7/23/2013 9:17:20 PM] Benny: who knows?
[7/23/2013 9:17:27 PM] Benny: bfl is a beast of its own breed
[7/23/2013 9:17:49 PM] Me: NO shit
[7/23/2013 9:18:10 PM] Me: how in the Hell did you ever get them to release a mini to you?
[7/23/2013 9:27:15 PM] Me: Just curious and unlike The Jesus, I do not save.
[7/23/2013 9:27:26 PM] Me: I delete my skypes daily.
[7/23/2013 9:52:14 PM] Me: Eh?
[7/23/2013 10:14:11 PM] Me: Eh?
[7/23/2013 10:17:29 PM] Me: I will talk to you tomorrow.
[7/23/2013 10:17:34 PM] Me: Night!
[7/24/2013 12:32:37 PM] Me: I think BTC-E shoutbox has noticed that there is more power online because I am told people were bitching about it this morning.
[7/24/2013 12:33:03 PM] Me: I haven’t looked at it myself.
[7/24/2013 8:36:48 PM] Me: Sent Josh a PM thanking him for the opportunity to see a Minirig in action.
[7/24/2013 8:51:18 PM] Me: And Jody.
[7/24/2013 9:00:19 PM] Me: And if I do not recieve replies the situaion might indeed change.
[7/24/2013 9:18:49 PM] Me: Soon.
[7/24/2013 9:54:01 PM] Me: Night! Sleep tight!
[7/25/2013 7:20:31 PM] Me: (Settlement offer partially redacted) Well, this is what I get for becoming involved in a backroom, backdoor deal. No one talks to me any more so here’s the new deal and it is non-negotiable. The back door deal involved about $100K according to you , so I am claiming a 20% broker’s fee; which fee is normally paid by the seller or split beween both buyer and seller; I don’t care which. It is my consideration that by failing to respond to my Skypes you have abrogated any and all agreements which we may have concluded, including any agreements regarding confidentiality of the conversations and any and all transactions of which I may be aware.You had indicated at least some form of recompense for my efforts in supporting you in your endavours but have failed to respond or make an offer of anything meaningful or of value. I therefore consider all previous agreements to be null and void including any promises of confidentialty.
[7/25/2013 7:59:14 PM] Benny: Is that message from you to me?
[7/25/2013 7:59:41 PM] Me: Yes
[7/25/2013 7:59:48 PM] Benny: Let me read through it.
[7/25/2013 7:59:55 PM] Me: Enjoy.
[7/25/2013 8:18:01 PM] Benny: There’s been no bad faith on our part, and we never had a formal agreement on broker fees. What we did offer to you is to provide the consideration of Cloudhashing mining contracts that we have coming online in September. We can provide you with 2 x 20GH contracts for the September contracts.
[7/25/2013 8:22:52 PM] Benny: Is that agreeable to you.
[7/25/2013 8:48:14 PM] Me: The terms of the document I sent you are, as was indicated in that document, non-negotiable.
[7/25/2013 8:50:08 PM] Me: I suggest that you contact BFL soonest to help you resolve this matter.
[7/25/2013 9:04:41 PM] Benny: You seem to have assumed we stopped talking with you, and now feel the need to attempt to extort money from our company, but I can assure you, there was never any ignoring on our part or bad faith.
[7/25/2013 9:07:51 PM] Benny: Your coMents stating this is non-negotiable sound final, in the sense you do not want to speak further? I’ll ask that you reconsider your position, because your perception about us ignoring you is simply incorrect, we are swamped busy, but amongst ourselves had already discussed providing you with the cloudhashing contracts for september mentioned above.
[7/25/2013 9:09:34 PM] Benny: If you want to speak with me, I believe we can clear this up and ensure you are not left thinking poorly of us and we can avoid any fallout. I had assumed we would be helping each other in other projects going forward.
[7/25/2013 9:09:37 PM] Me: I am only demanding payment for having assisted in the completeion of a deal; otherwise known as “brokering a deal” and my demands are firm.
[7/25/2013 9:13:04 PM] Benny: Then we can end our correspondence if you are unwilling to be reasonable, because you are demanding for terms to be fulfilled that nobody ever agreed upon based on the fact that you perceive yourself being ignored.