Just save it as a .pyw file and put it in the same location as the decrypt_bitcoinj_seed.pyw script... then double it and run it like you did with decrypt_bitcoinj_seed... After it completes, you should get a "parsed_wallet.txt" file generated in the same directory.
If you open it, you should see all your encrypted keys etc:
key {
creation_timestamp: 1510100577000
encrypted_data {
initialisation_vector: "\033C\\\327\.......................4\372#"
encrypted_private_key: "ib\313\365\...................0O\266*?\026"
encrypted_deterministic_seed {
initialisation_vector: "lC\205\...........37\223"
encrypted_private_key: ".Kd\3.............4p\307"
key {
public_key: "\003^\0028$z..................................024z\006"
creation_timestamp: 1510100577000
encrypted_data {
initialisation_vector: "\3101..................................0\346"
encrypted_private_key: "N;\227..................................40\307h"
deterministic_key {
chain_code: "\236\016e..................................22K\304"
I'm guessing, you'll find some "Keys", that have a type that are NOT "DETERMINISTIC_KEY"s....
Also, right at the end of the file you should see the encryption type and parameter used which will be required if you want to attempt to decrypt the keys:
encryption_type: ENCRYPTED_SCRYPT_AES
encryption_parameters {
salt: "\301..................25"
n: 65536