As the US government is preparing the "crypto dollar" (regarding the Whitehouse) among other governments (for example regarding rumors about The UK revealing plans for more regulation), this raises serious (although old) questions about privacy and control.
The gov backed digital currency is most likely programmable, meaning it can be altered when the government decides. It will be most likely easy to track, not only transactions but also people using it, and for what they use it. It may become easily politicized (as the current USD), but even more, as it can be easily given, restricted, and taken. In plain words, Central Bank Backed Digital Currency puts enormous power in the hands of bureaucrats.
It can be argued that for example, the crypto dollar backed by the central federal reserve doesn't have anything in common with cryptos such as Bitcoin. However, as governments around the world launch their state-backed cryptos, it's clear that cryptos in general face tightening regulation as states want to take control back. For example, with reference to the article stating that:
The Japanese government is pushing for new legislation that will request cryptocurrency trading platforms operating in the country become governed by the same rules that apply to banks.
I think it's quite possible at least soe states decide not to allow in the long run competing decentralized currencies at all because those may undermine "official cryptos". That may lead to the situation in which cryptos such as Bitcoin and alts will be compared to fake money and creating & using them will be punished heavily.
It seems some of our dream from the beginning start to materialize in the form of wide adoption. However, it seems that the dream may turn into an Orwellian nightmare - which is a reality to some extent for example in certain provinces in China. Add gov controlled crypto to the surveillance machine, and that's it!
The situation is not so far away from China in the US or Russia or even in old European democracies. tech is out there, cameras have been installed, policing budgets get boosted, AI is more and more utilized, data is collected - if not publicly - in secrecy, and so on. The only missing piece is a trackable payment vehicle - which gov issued cryptos make a reality.