So sir, do you always drive to the extreme left of the road unless overtaking?
Also, since you follow all laws, here are some laws that I hope you follow too:
- If you find more than Rs10, you file an FIR because otherwise you'd be a criminal
- If you ever come to delhi and see a tidda (locust) you start beating a drum because otherwise you'd be a criminal
- Whenever you fly a kite you take a license for it because you are not a criminal right?
- You would never work in a company where woman work after sunset because its illegal right?
- In a marriage/party, you never go on stage to dance with your wife because if the number of couples exceeds 10, you'd be offending the government!
- Oh and child labour! You never order tea road-side or eat at a dhaba right? ...right?
- If the government ever throws you out of your land to make a public building, you'd happily give it away, because you are not a criminal
- Apart from all the law books, you have also read all the religious texts of all the possible religions in India because its illegal to commit blasphemy
I could go on.. but ..
You are a god to me since you never break any law! (Even if some laws are against each other..
Please pm your address..I wanna wash your feet..
this is hilarious... great set of mind