bro, i've been vaccinated twice but until now there have been no side effects at all,,, even i don't have a fever like most people who are vaccinated .. i think that the covid vaccination is not what causes the vaccinated people to die, it is possible that they have other diseases and that is a factor in why they die
I’m not pro or anti vaccine but I understand the OP point on this thread. He is showing the statistics of death rate meaning that you will not certainly die the moment you got vaccinated. There’s only a chance that you will die after 60 days and the chance rate is what he provided number above. It’s true that vaccine can cause because you will not sign a waiver if the vaccine is 100% safe. Just be glad that you didn’t die and move one instead of being cocky here that you are experiencing serious side effects.
@OP, This data is only limited to UK right? Can you provide more data globally since this stats is very hard to prove because government don’t record death rate from vaccine shot.
More data can be found at
Open VAERS. The big thing that this website shows is, the CDC and the medical in general are hiding the facts about how many people are dying and are being harmed from the vaccines.
This isn't only the UK or the US. It is worldwide. The numbers don't seem to be very big, but when you consider that the site also shows that less that 1% of the injuries and deaths are being reported, the numbers grow to gigantic proportions.
In addition, if you go to the grocery store, and buy some Brand X breakfast cereal... if 10 people die from the cereal, they will pull it off the shelf and do a big investigation. So, what is all this BS when the CDC admits that thousands of people are dying from the vaccines, but they won't even stop advertising it, to say nothing about stopping the vaccinations?
People can't believe the medical and the government would do this to them, so they try to make excuses for the numbers. And the criminal medical uses the excuses to push the idea that the vaccines are safe.
I don't know about you, but saying that I don't like what the medical is doing is a big understatement. They should be going to prison.
My problem is, where do I go for medical help when I need it? They can't be trusted.