File your W-4 with your employer, non-assupsit on the first line, and n-a on the rest of the lines. Then write "exempt" and/or "excepted" on the bottom (proper) line. If you file a tax form, do the same on all the lines of the form.
When the IRS penalizes you for frivolous filings, and instructs your employer to withhold an amount for the penalty, instruct your employer to stop stealing your money. If he won't, sue the human being who is authorizing the withholding from your check, both the IRS human being, and the employer's CFO.
Don't sue the positions or offices. Sue the human beings. Don't sue for outrageous amounts. Sue for several times what has been withheld, plus court costs. Give them reasonable notice so that they have time to restore your property.
See how to do it here and here and here .