Hi lads !
I'm looking into making a silent mining heater using gpus using a 100bucks ionizer as the box :
https://fr.gearbest.com/home-smart-improvements/pp_268522.html?vip=3098954&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkse_vpXX1wIVChMbCh2PlQNqEAAYASAAEgI8ufD_BwEI have this box laying arround my place and it has 2 very silent and speed adjustable fans and leaves a rectalngular space of 20.5*20.5*28 CM (8*8*11 inches) once you remove the air filter.
Plus you have a temperature sensor and can monitor your temps (ambient of course) from anywhere using their app
Visible in this picture :
https://imgur.com/a/m7pCWI was thinking of putting small cards such as these :
http://www.sapphiretech.com/productdetial.asp?pid=3548F713-062B-4A98-B584-D0D211C5308E&lang=engOnly 3 gpu can be used, maybe a 4th one but that's it
My question is, seeing the dedicated mobos like these
https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/100-Nouveau-Dans-la-bo-te-D1800-BTC-D1800-BTC-Machine-D-extraction-Mini-re-Support/32837412605.html?spm=a2g0w.search0104.8.14.jXhxYLdo you guys know about any similar mobo with less pci plugs (or any smaller mobo that would fit in these dimentions) ?
The GPUs would be hanging and on risers of course.
I didn't yet resolve the PSU issue, a server psu would be far more space efiscient but the noise of the fans on these are too much for a living room.
The idea behind that is to crowdsource plans for a silent home gpu miner that of course wouldn't be as cost effective as bare gpu rigs but could allow many miners to continue their activities at home and reuse the heat for something usefull
Any inputs appreciated !
Maybe this belongs more in the altcoin mining section ? If so I'll move it just ask