Created a tool to read the total wattage use from the GPU's only, also can calculate cost per day and per month on the video card usage.
No it does not work on AMD, Nvidia only! it only takes into account the gpu's not motherboard and processor. best option to find out what
your total watt usage is, is to get a plug in meter, though this tool is just a good estimation for those trying to see how much their GPU's
will take from the PSU as well.
This uses Nvidia's SMI utility that is it! nothing more nothing less, does not connect to anything internet wise or other application wise.
It reads the average watt usage per card and poll's every 3 seconds.
if a mod wants to see the source code I can provide this, just message me and I will make it available.
I do plan on adding to this tool more features in the future so I would ask the mods to keep it confidential as well.
Picture of the tool : to download