a faulty mechanism of the human brain.. it fills in the blanks and guesses if it has to.
Like the curvature of the Earth?
well yeah LOL
when you see the sunrise it doesn't actually exist where you see it.. it's an illusion !
if you fired a tracking laser beam at what looks like the sun at sunrise and then checked
where the beam actually went it would shoot past the real sun.
people believe all kinds of dumb crap..
like the earth is round.. it's not.
shaped more like a football.
why ?
simple.. gravity.
people know there is a tide but many don't know there is a tidal bulge
that draws up the entire planet and has a matching bulge on the opposite side of the planet.
creating a football shape effect.
there is a combined effect from the sun also (it too contributes to the tidal bulge)
i seen a show that speculated with science what would happen if the moon vanished.
it would be catastrophic !
300+ foot tsunamis would ravage the planet.
We wouldn't be here if it was not for another planet the size of mars plowing into us long ago..
The moon enabled the planet to have conditions that allowed us to be here.
Otherwise procession would be far too extreme far most any advanced life.
If guys don't know procession is the wobble the earth makes when it spins around.
It's like a spinning top.. it wobbles one way then back to the other every 26 thousand years.
And it's the moon that keeps that in check.. otherwise the swings would be far more wild.
Not only did the moon help stabilize us that way but i know it slowed the planet down too
from 8hrs to 24hrs and that in turn lowered wind speeds etc
With out the Moon we wouldn't be here.
People don't factor in any of that stuff usually when calculating how much advanced alien life must be out there.
We had a lot of luck in our circumstances to get a moon like we got.
No other body in our solar system has a moon proportioned so large in comparison to earth.
That skews the odd's when crunching the numbers for Alien life estimates.
Because then you can't just count how many planets are out there like ours..
But how many had a collision in it's infancy and had the collider's core merge with ours
and then subsequently create a moon.. all timed perfectly.
That is another major factor too.. the core of earth !
If we had no collision with another planet our core would probably be cold like Mars is thought to be.
So that would mean no magnetic shield protecting us from the sun over the years.
(the earths internal dynamo generates the magnetic field) that stretches out almost to the moon.
And although the moon moves something like an inch and half away each year it will always be with us.
Scientists calculate the Sun will expand out and engulf us before the moon breaks away from us.
Ya uhh the picture LOL