I'm dubious about some of these videos. The reason why is that if someone hired me to do the psychological engineering to foster maximum uptake of the death jab I would put out all manner of 'crazy' material into the meatspace.
To assess the validity of a lot of these things, a framework is needed to achieve reproducible results in a controlled and trusted manner, and mix in some bench science. So far I have seen little of that. In this asymmetric information war, corp/gov are the ones with the money, the legislative, regulatory, and court systems, etc. All the other side has is honesty, integrity, and truth, and it takes a while for such a fruit to ripen.
I actually have tested lots of things for magnetism and have found nothing noteworthy. Only one vaccinated person have I induced to put a magnet to their arm. Nothing. I was a Moderna from relatively early on in the current phase of the Great Culling.
As for the RFID stuff, I recent took up the hobby of SDR again for the first time in 15 years, and in part because I want to read peoples mark-ah-da-beast tags when they do get them. I want to compete with '
the prince of the air' on as equal terms as is practical.
Here's another multi-media thing which is highly suspect at best. But it's enjoyable simply because I love ancient cartoons:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/3852fXicjXYL/In a brief analysis I could not put my finger on a specific show-stopper proving it's fake. Beyond that, by the 1930's everything they said in the cartoon was well known, and the basic concepts of using these tools for a depopulation had been a source of fascination to the likes of the Fabian Socialists for at least a decade or two. Still, it seems a little bit on the 'too perfect' side, and I could certainly imagine trolls making the film also. I would if I had the domain experience. But I won't try to pass it off as authentic.