480s aren't worth it either, 4gb model is not really faster than 470 in eth and uses more power. 8gb model is only a little faster, but costs a lot more.
Nvidia cards are a bit riskier because they're not really good at mining eth for the price, and zec (which nv does ok in) is more likely to tank than eth. They are expensive but efficient in general.
Hi thanks for your replies... everybody..... now....
i guess the RX470 is the best then... and i will get the 4GB model... maybe i should stop stressing, i have been thinking about his for 2 weeks now.
Will it be good for me to get 2 of them and run them together.... i have an MSI A88X G43 motherboard..... with an AMD X4 860K CPU and 16GB ram not sure if ram is important...also really strange as the 8GB of ram is showing a strange FSB and it should be 1866 megahertz im not sue maybe im looking in the wrong place....
also my CPUs is very sad but please bear in mind i came from AMD Athlon 2500+ form like 10 years ago! with DDR1.... and AGP7800
Anyways my CPU is sad because i only get like 110 hashes per second on Aeon or 50to 55 hashes per second when mining XMR... i just chose those, i dont really have a clue which to mine...
Anwyays its very sad that this cpu is so slow , i seriously cant believe it. and i just bought the stuff like 8 months ago... so yeh very sad about it.
If you can please help me understand my RAM issue and guide me and also comment on the CPU...
Anyways... next thing, why is there so much hype about Ethereum and Zec, not sure what Zec is....
I wish i could just go buy a i5 or i7 fuck i dont know how people do and where they get the money from.
so to confirm, u reckon getting an RX460 or even 2 of them its pointless ? and that goes for GTX 960 OC Gigabyte brand IT ONLY HAS 2 GB of ram... hmm probably the RX460 i saw also has 2 GB only....
the best bet would be the RX470
and also another one please.... if i get the RX470 does the brand matter?
I have seen great deals for my pocket... for the HIS and the POWERCOLOR brands.... the HIS is like 100 Rand or ZAR cheaper for me.... it also looks decent also seems to be Asia founded, could be wrong...
I mean i am not sure if i must really get proper stuff like the exact name like Saphire and Nitro and Strix whatever.... and they seem to be more pricey....
I can send u the links of my sites i go to...
www.wootware.co.za is one of them and the best here for me, they have the best prices , really.
Thanks for reading, and i am just only trying to give details so apologies if it is long
appreciate the help and feedback
Between the HIS and the powercolor, i would choose the Powercolor. Main reason being the presence of a 8pin power connector (vs only 6pin power connector for the HIS).