
Topic: Great Russian chauvinism and Putin its Fuhrer (Read 4 times)

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January 24, 2025, 03:09:27 PM
Alik Bahshi

Great Russian chauvinism and Putin its Fuhrer


  The repulsive, arrogant appearance of the Russian president is quite consistent with the blatant, outrageous, I would even say, unique in its impudence for the post of president lie, with which he tried to deny the fact of the invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine at a meeting with journalists. It seems that lies and deceit are inseparable from President Putin, just like a snail from its shell. Meanness, provocation, immorality, are, as reality shows, ordinary, characteristic features of Putin's activities and perhaps not only as president:
- The oligarchs Berezovsky and Gusinsky, to whom Putin, it would seem, owes power, had to flee Russia in order not to end up behind bars, like Khodorkovsky.
- I remember in an interview with the famous TV journalist Larry King, when asked what happened to the nuclear submarine Kursk, Putin answered, or rather snapped, "it sank." King delicately paused, pointedly keeping silent, hoping that Putin would shed light on the circumstances of the tragic death of the submarine along with the entire crew, but President Putin could not find even words of regret for the drowned sailors.
- In order to unleash a second war in Chechnya, Putin organizes a provocation by blowing up houses along with the residents, blaming the Chechens.

   Taking advantage of the political naivety of the Americans and the traditional sleepy laziness of Europe, Putin manages to convince the West of his, Putin's, personal commitment to the principles of democracy and the irreversibility of the democratic reforms that have taken place in Russia. The West's attitude toward Russia was not changed by its military adventure in Georgia. It must be said that Putin was very lucky with Bush Jr. This cowboy (it seems that this definition most accurately reflects a political amateur) called Putin nothing less than his friend Putin (1). And today his friend Putin is a big problem for the American president Obama. By the way, in the article “America Demands Change” (2), having predicted that Barack Obama would become president, I pointed out the need for the future owner of the White House to take seriously the looming danger from Putin’s Russia. However, I also noted there that Obama’s rival “John McCain understands better what today’s Russia is, whose imperial policy should not be ignored or condescending in its curtailment of the institutions of Democracy.” Over 20 years of helping Russia to become economically stronger, the West has fed the snake, which has now pulled out its sting, intending to swallow Ukraine. Once again, referring to the Evil Empire (3), I quote Eastern wisdom:

"Feeding a snake with milk is the same as storing poison in it"

    Knowing that the Russian people are unacceptable to democracy, immunity to which the Russians have at the genetic level (4.5) and understanding that outside the empire the Russian people will be lost, Putin literally from the very first steps took the course "Back to the empire". With the silent inaction of the West, friend Putin dealt with the Chechen people who had decided to gain freedom. The second victim was Georgia. True, the West, although late, but woke up, tearfully begging Putin to stop the Russian tanks that were already on the outskirts of Tbilisi, otherwise Georgia would have been, once again voluntarily expressing a desire to reunite with Russia. However, the proper lesson was not learned, and this aggression of Russia remained unpunished. And now it is Ukraine's turn.

    Without a doubt, Putin has long been preparing an invasion. Here we need to dwell on two important points.
    First, Putin made the right bet on the corrupt Yanukovych from the "Party of Regions", financed by businessmen who are entirely not of Ukrainian nationality. What kind of patriotism can we talk about if the main goal of these businessmen in politics is to fill their pockets. However, a similar situation was in Russia, but Putin, unlike Yanukovych, turned out to be a patriot and dispersed the oligarchs who had prepared the role of a puppet for him. It is clear that for the corrupt Yanukovych, Ukraine's entry into the EU meant one outcome - prison, because the rampant corruption that is observed in Ukraine cannot in any way suit the EU. This circumstance is the main reason for Yanukovych's refusal to keep the promise to bring Ukraine into the EU, given to its people before the elections, and this is exactly what Putin was counting on, helping the future traitor become president. And yet, the main reason for what happened to Ukraine is the gullibility and indiscriminateness of the Ukrainian people, I would say, their sloppiness in choosing people to power. It is time to understand that nothing good can be expected from oligarchs, especially those of non-native nationality, and their protégés, no matter what promises they make. After all, Ukrainians make up the majority of the country's population, couldn't they have consolidated and chosen a worthy leader, so as not to end up in the state it has ended up in? For example, the ethnic picture in Latvia was no better, the percentage of the Russian population was also high there, but the Latvians were united in choosing the political leadership, understanding what danger awaited them in the event of disunity and inconsistency. 20 years of independence, a rich country, and a favorable climate, and the people seemed literate, but they brought it to poverty, giving it over to the mercy of foreigners, who suddenly disappeared, along with their money, in Switzerland and London, and chatterboxes - just look at the lady with the scythe! The same Yushchenko! Why wouldn't Ukraine join the EU under him? Sometimes a parliamentary republic, sometimes a presidential one! They destabilized the country as much as they could. Freedom and independence are undoubtedly good, but you also need to know how to use these benefits. The second point is the significant number of Russians living compactly in the south-eastern part of Ukraine. But the issue here is not so much their numbers, but their mentality. Russians and democracy - that's nonsense. If Ukraine joins the EU, democracy will become an everyday reality, and Russians will involuntarily find themselves like fish on ice, as it already happened in Russia under Yeltsin. This is the reason for the protest of the Russian population of Ukraine against joining the EU. If we take into account the above, plus the imperial worldview of the Russian people in combination with the Great Russian chauvinism, which the father of all nations Stalin pointed out, and which was easy to awaken, the propaganda campaign launched against the Ukrainian people, then Putin has a very powerful fifth column in Ukraine. Thus, dismembering the territory of Ukraine by force and annexing its entire south-eastern part is not difficult for Russia. It's all about the consequences. Has the Kremlin calculated them? - a big question. One must think that Putin has found a sovereign, purely Russian way of economy for the "sovereign democracy" he built! I can even guess what kind, instead of goods-money-goods it will be vodka-labor camp-vodka. Or maybe Putin wants to go down in history as the warrior of Crimea? Whatever the case, Putin has apparently already provided Russia with the Second Cold War. Russia successfully lost one, after which the USSR collapsed, and it must be assumed that after the second, the Russian Empire will collapse, and finally. And then it may happen that Putin will actually have the ears of a dead donkey in his hands, which he once offered to someone in his characteristic manner (6).

    There is no doubt that Obama missed the situation created by Putin around Ukraine, which, if desired, could easily be seen taking into account all the previous domestic and foreign policies of the Kremlin and the rabble of political freaks gathered around Russia, in the persons of Lukashenko, Ahmadinejad, Assad and the now deceased Hugo Chavez. As soon as Russia got a little stronger, Great Russian chauvinism awoke with Putin's light hand. It is amazing how much malice has suddenly appeared in the Russians towards the brotherly Slavic people of Ukraine! What should other neighboring nations expect in this case? Today - "Give us Crimea." Tomorrow we should expect Kazakhstan to follow, where about 20% of Russians live, then Azerbaijan with the help of Armenian Nazis, which will disrupt projects to deliver hydrocarbon raw materials from the Caspian Basin countries to Europe, and in passing they will seize what is left of Georgia. In short, if the West continues to do nothing, as it did in relation to fascist Germany, then the World will get a new Fuhrer in the person of Putin, and as a consequence the Third World War (7).

     Actually, the spirit of fascism has long been hovering over the remnants of the Russian Empire, after the collapse of the USSR and Putin had no trouble finding popular support in his intention to return the empire to the people within its former borders. Remember with what unanimous jubilation the Russian people handed Putin the presidency after he drenched Chechnya in blood (Cool. Putin had neither a party nor a party ideology, unlike Hitler, who had to create a party and organize powerful propaganda of fascist ideology so that the German people would believe and follow him. Putin only opened the floodgates to Great Russian chauvinism, the crest of which carried him to power. Putin used what had always been there and emerged from the depths of the people's consciousness at the moment when the empire began to crumble like a house of cards. So Stalin, who understood the people's mentality well, was a hundred times right when he spoke of Great Russian chauvinism. To this day, the Russian people honor the memory of their leader, and if Putin suddenly needs popular support again, then, for example, by returning Stalingrad to its former name, he will receive it. The Russian Empire and chauvinism are the ideological and spiritual core of the Russian people, inseparable concepts. The fascist ideology was imposed on the German people by Hitler and his party. Modern Germany, free from fascist ideology, is a democratic, economically powerful country. Take away the empire from the Russian people and they, unlike the German people, in the conditions of democracy, as I said, will be lost.

    History repeats itself - the first aggressive steps of Hitler's Germany began with the distribution of German passports to the Sudeten Germans and with a demagogic campaign against the Czechs, who allegedly "committed atrocities" against the German minority. By analogy, this is what is happening today in Crimea and in Ukraine as a whole. But history also repeats itself in that every empire disintegrates and Putin's Russia is like a drowning man in a swamp, when every movement only brings the inevitable death closer, and this time it is unlikely that there will be a smart guy who will extend a saving hand.

1. "Putin gives Bush a lesson in democracy"
2. "America demands changes"
3. "Ukraine as a victim of the West's immorality towards Russia"
4. "The people's fate or to each cricket his own hearth"
5. "A word, fornication or complete Albats"
6. "When the donkey dies"
7. "Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline or the Third World War"
8. "Chechnya and the Road to Power, or the Revival of the Empire According to Putin"


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