
Topic: Great way to make Bitcoin! - page 32. (Read 62582 times)

Activity: 1008
Merit: 1060
March 30, 2017, 10:57:57 AM
I am making good amount of bitcoins from trading altcoins as altcoin involves major pumps and dumps so I never miss the right time to buy and sell them as I am into trading since long time so its generating good profits for me on regular basis.
How do you know wich altcoin to invest in? I've seen ethereum just went to the sky, but I find it hard finding out when they rise, and also wen you should sell.

You know which altcoin to invest in when people are talking about it a lot. For example, BCU. Although there's not that much actual supporter behind it but mostly whales that invested millions for the coin, if you've heard that BCU is about to go out of exchanger you'll know that it will increase in price because everyone's talking about it on twitter. Even though most people are talking how bitcoin will never have fork or whatever, it still caused hyped to the BCU coin.

In altcoins in general, people say that they actually analyze the chart. I don't know the complete guide to saying "Oh, this coin is gonna be poppin'." But hype is the only thing that increases the price most of the time and not the altcoin's usability or utility.

In fact, I don't think anyone even knows when are altcoins going to rise. Some people are just able to determine that the coin will rise eventually, but there's no time frame. Others set a price and then sell all of their coins at that price all at once. While others set different sell orders like 1/4 for 1000 satoshi, 1/4 for 1300, and then the remaining 1/2 for 1500 satoshis.
hero member
Activity: 1092
Merit: 501
March 30, 2017, 03:12:50 AM
Anything other than signature campaigns and gambling.

A bit saved is a bit earned. So save your money by not clicking on any of the signatures of the people posting in this thread.
There are many altcoin which you can choose to trade there are xem, bitpay, mue, maid, wbb, waves just check the graph chart from time to time so you maybe able to know to apply day trading aside from long term trading.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
March 30, 2017, 01:48:49 AM
I am making good amount of bitcoins from trading altcoins as altcoin involves major pumps and dumps so I never miss the right time to buy and sell them as I am into trading since long time so its generating good profits for me on regular basis.
How do you know wich altcoin to invest in? I've seen ethereum just went to the sky, but I find it hard finding out when they rise, and also wen you should sell.
hero member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 529
Student Coin
March 30, 2017, 01:45:41 AM
I am making good amount of bitcoins from trading altcoins as altcoin involves major pumps and dumps so I never miss the right time to buy and sell them as I am into trading since long time so its generating good profits for me on regular basis.
Well it is same with me, today trading altcoins is best way to make bitcoin although it is hard on early
 because i must learned about analysis technical and fundamental and best method/ strategy trading
until getting active profit from trading, it needs time to find good way for getting profit.
We are very active in this forum because we are getting some information that can help our trading journey, since there are rumors and news that we can see here it will help us to make the right decision. You are right trading is hard therefore we need to treat it seriously and here the earning is not limited because it will risk more by the time we are confident with our prediction, it could give us a good return that we can never get by just working alone.
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1001
March 30, 2017, 01:15:45 AM
:)I don't think this thread is useless as some members have mentioned already. What OP is trying to say is that Bitcoin for some users is free money from the Internet but as we all know there is no free lunch and we have to work hard for our cash be it digital or physical. You would earn way more money if you have a high-paying job and convert a portion of it into Bitcoin as per your needs. Time is money so we need to spend it wisely and maximize our earnings.
For some people getting started to earn bitcoin with zero capital but full of efforts they can do it.
Not just working hard in real life , convert it to bitcoin as investment only.
I heard some blogger who successfully faking millions visitor to get paid by bitcoin ads and earn a lot of bitcoin , i just don't think it was a good way , so why don't you try to make it in right way by making a real visitor by creates an attracting website ?  Just like google adsense work but with bitcoin rates.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
March 30, 2017, 01:00:54 AM
Anything other than signature campaigns and gambling.

A bit saved is a bit earned. So save your money by not clicking on any of the signatures of the people posting in this thread.

One of the ways to earn butcoins is by using faucets, mining and gambling. You may not be force out to invest in mininh but we can earn as much Thru it.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
March 30, 2017, 12:42:53 AM
Work for it. At start I didn't go to those investing website because there is too much risk. Make your way into just knowing it and getting some freebies and try to enjoy the satoshis that you will receive. Look at how much it really cost then maybe after all that you will have the knowledge to face trading and investments.
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 552
March 29, 2017, 11:13:26 PM
I am making good amount of bitcoins from trading altcoins as altcoin involves major pumps and dumps so I never miss the right time to buy and sell them as I am into trading since long time so its generating good profits for me on regular basis.
Well it is same with me, today trading altcoins is best way to make bitcoin although it is hard on early
 because i must learned about analysis technical and fundamental and best method/ strategy trading
until getting active profit from trading, it needs time to find good way for getting profit.
Activity: 3248
Merit: 1160 - Crypto Casino and Sportsbook
March 29, 2017, 11:07:56 PM
:)I don't think this thread is useless as some members have mentioned already. What OP is trying to say is that Bitcoin for some users is free money from the Internet but as we all know there is no free lunch and we have to work hard for our cash be it digital or physical. You would earn way more money if you have a high-paying job and convert a portion of it into Bitcoin as per your needs. Time is money so we need to spend it wisely and maximize our earnings.
It's never free because you definitely work for it, whatever you do to earn bitcoins requires effort and intelligence and free is something that you do not do anything but still receive bitcoins. Even in faucets I would not call it free as it's clearly a waste of time in exchange for few satoshis.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
March 29, 2017, 09:08:25 PM
 :)I don't think this thread is useless as some members have mentioned already. What OP is trying to say is that Bitcoin for some users is free money from the Internet but as we all know there is no free lunch and we have to work hard for our cash be it digital or physical. You would earn way more money if you have a high-paying job and convert a portion of it into Bitcoin as per your needs. Time is money so we need to spend it wisely and maximize our earnings.
sr. member
Activity: 966
Merit: 274
March 29, 2017, 09:01:02 PM
You can try Investing in Revenue Sharing sites but there will be a risk like mine. Try Trading Buy altcoins and wait for your coin to grow then sell it! Instant Profit but also risky. Buy and sell bitcoin like Sell bitcoin for paypal for 10-15% for you and they can pay the fee. Also you can claim free btc in faucets but not recommended, its your choice if you like faucets. Also you can earn bitcoin by selling digital goods in the internet like e-books scripts,bots, softwares, antivirus etc. Just go to then upload your digital goods put price and share and earn every download of your digital goods.
Revenue sharing is such risky to do. Don't engage too much in such investment program since most of them ends up into scam. For claiming faucets, it's a time wasters since you can only gain so cheap which is cheaper than the electricity you spent in order to to that. It would be better to try service in this forum, join in a signature campaign, gamble and trading. They are less in the risk of scam.
sr. member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 268
50% bonus on your First Topup
March 29, 2017, 08:47:50 PM
You can try Investing in Revenue Sharing sites but there will be a risk like mine. Try Trading Buy altcoins and wait for your coin to grow then sell it! Instant Profit but also risky. Buy and sell bitcoin like Sell bitcoin for paypal for 10-15% for you and they can pay the fee. Also you can claim free btc in faucets but not recommended, its your choice if you like faucets. Also you can earn bitcoin by selling digital goods in the internet like e-books scripts,bots, softwares, antivirus etc. Just go to then upload your digital goods put price and share and earn every download of your digital goods.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
March 29, 2017, 11:34:56 AM
I see that everyone sees Bitcoin as this magical money making thing so here is a great way to make some money:

1. Learn a skill that is in demand.

2. Use that skill to make money in your worthless inflationary local currency.

3. Convert that worthless currency into bitcoins.

Boom. Now you have real money!

Spend as desired.

Bonus points if you can use your skill that is in demand to directly make bitcoins.

In some countries you can direct deposit your paycheck into bitcoins.
In the US you can use or PEY in Germany.

Nothing new. People have been doing this for years already as the majority of the people in this forum are out to make some extra money.
See, learning a skill takes some time.So for people who are busy and dont have enough time to learn skills,the only best way is to buy some altcoins and start trading.

Even if you want to start trading altcoins then also you need to learn the art of trading and for that you have to develop your skills as if you enter into trading without skills and knowledge then you will be making only loss and nothing else.

Yes because trading cryptocurrency is essentially trading at its core, too. So even if you are not trading BTC/USD exclusively, you are still doing these thing because they are still trading. If you know nothing about trading and you enter the world of crypto trading, you will basically burn your money down the core and will not receive anything in return except experience.

And that experience will make you better trader in future so if you are new to trading then the best thing you can do is to start trading with a small amount to avoid huge losses at initial stage and once you gain experience you can go with higher capital.
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1352
March 29, 2017, 10:32:11 AM
I see that everyone sees Bitcoin as this magical money making thing so here is a great way to make some money:

1. Learn a skill that is in demand.

2. Use that skill to make money in your worthless inflationary local currency.

3. Convert that worthless currency into bitcoins.

Boom. Now you have real money!

Spend as desired.

Bonus points if you can use your skill that is in demand to directly make bitcoins.

In some countries you can direct deposit your paycheck into bitcoins.
In the US you can use or PEY in Germany.

Nothing new. People have been doing this for years already as the majority of the people in this forum are out to make some extra money.
See, learning a skill takes some time.So for people who are busy and dont have enough time to learn skills,the only best way is to buy some altcoins and start trading.

Even if you want to start trading altcoins then also you need to learn the art of trading and for that you have to develop your skills as if you enter into trading without skills and knowledge then you will be making only loss and nothing else.

Yes because trading cryptocurrency is essentially trading at its core, too. So even if you are not trading BTC/USD exclusively, you are still doing these thing because they are still trading. If you know nothing about trading and you enter the world of crypto trading, you will basically burn your money down the core and will not receive anything in return except experience.
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 500
March 29, 2017, 10:22:50 AM
I see that everyone sees Bitcoin as this magical money making thing so here is a great way to make some money:

1. Learn a skill that is in demand.

2. Use that skill to make money in your worthless inflationary local currency.

3. Convert that worthless currency into bitcoins.

Boom. Now you have real money!

Spend as desired.

Bonus points if you can use your skill that is in demand to directly make bitcoins.

In some countries you can direct deposit your paycheck into bitcoins.
In the US you can use or PEY in Germany.

Nothing new. People have been doing this for years already as the majority of the people in this forum are out to make some extra money.
See, learning a skill takes some time.So for people who are busy and dont have enough time to learn skills,the only best way is to buy some altcoins and start trading.

Even if you want to start trading altcoins then also you need to learn the art of trading and for that you have to develop your skills as if you enter into trading without skills and knowledge then you will be making only loss and nothing else.
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
March 29, 2017, 10:03:35 AM
I see that everyone sees Bitcoin as this magical money making thing so here is a great way to make some money:

1. Learn a skill that is in demand.

2. Use that skill to make money in your worthless inflationary local currency.

3. Convert that worthless currency into bitcoins.

Boom. Now you have real money!

Spend as desired.

Bonus points if you can use your skill that is in demand to directly make bitcoins.

In some countries you can direct deposit your paycheck into bitcoins.
In the US you can use or PEY in Germany.

Nothing new. People have been doing this for years already as the majority of the people in this forum are out to make some extra money.
See, learning a skill takes some time.So for people who are busy and dont have enough time to learn skills,the only best way is to buy some altcoins and start trading.
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 500
March 29, 2017, 09:34:55 AM
I am making good amount of bitcoins from trading altcoins as altcoin involves major pumps and dumps so I never miss the right time to buy and sell them as I am into trading since long time so its generating good profits for me on regular basis.
sr. member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
March 29, 2017, 08:03:28 AM
I think most people and even myself doing the opposite. Learn something to get bitcoin, then exchange it into that worthless currency. Still there is not many real shop that accepting bitcoin in my city, not like your city or other places in Europe.
In my city also not shop accepting bitcoin.

I think the best way is to trade, I never done mining, but is always increasing levels of difficulty so that I stop because it was not profitable.

Mining was good in the past but now it has become difficult to mine bitcoins and it also require capital in buying mining equipment so at a moment I think the best way to make bitcoin is by trading altcoins as it will help you in growing your bitcoins in short time.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
March 29, 2017, 06:36:56 AM
I see that everyone sees Bitcoin as this magical money making thing so here is a great way to make some money:

1. Learn a skill that is in demand.

2. Use that skill to make money in your worthless inflationary local currency.

3. Convert that worthless currency into bitcoins.

Boom. Now you have real money!

Spend as desired.

Bonus points if you can use your skill that is in demand to directly make bitcoins.

In some countries you can direct deposit your paycheck into bitcoins.
In the US you can use or PEY in Germany.
You could even try to solve raiblocks captchas and earn MRAI coins.Im earning now from it.

Nothing new. People have been doing this for years already as the majority of the people in this forum are out to make some extra money.
You could even try to solve raiblocks captchas and earn MRAI coins.Im earning now from it.Just sell your mrai coins for bitcoins.Lots of people are doing this nowadays.

Exactly and its a good way to earn bitcoins especially for newbies who cannot join signature campaign at a moment and it will also give you better earnings in compare to spending time of faucets sites which will eventually waste your time.
hero member
Activity: 910
Merit: 500
March 29, 2017, 05:21:23 AM
I think the best way to produce a bitcoin is by trading, can be learned and more easily in the predictions. many of the success stories because of trading and I like to follow their way.

Trading is a good way of earning bitcoins as it can multiply your coins quick if you choose a right time to buy and sell and if you are investing in altcoins then you need to do a good research before investing as many coins are scams and will disappear in short time.
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