And just like that... a few of us went to Mcdonald's that evening. On the way home we heard the sirens for the first time... I still remember that beating when I got home a few hours later.
You missed a lot of things as always. And I am not sure what I get into discussions with you when you are a "one-sided man". You justify crimes if that works for you. For me, all criminals should be punished... but in reality, the biggest criminals always get away, in all parts of the world. When you understand that maybe you will start seeing this world from another perspective.
It's not all about the money and weapons, about being a stronger or superior one... can we all have a normal and peaceful life in this world or not? Do all people in this world have the right to life or does it only apply to the chosen ones?
I will not get deeper in discussion with you, you need to expand your views. If you ever visit Serbia, or you decide to visit Serbia, I am here for you. I will show you the history since Emperor Constantine, and even earlier if you want. Balkan is a beautiful place despite all the shit that happened here.
If you are not a primitive liar, and do not deliberately manipulate imnormation - you are obliged to give MY ANSWER, where I SUPPORT and JUSTIFY the crimes? Looking forward to the primer? Only not your fantasies - but my specific answer, where I write "I support this, this and this (crimes)"
At the same time, for some reason, you yourself hide the facts that took place and which are not beneficial to you ... So who is "one-sided"?
If for you a request for clarification of the reasons why some kind of event happened is a synonym for "I support this action", I recommend that you contact the relevant specialists