Been buying and using bitcoins to purchase for afew months now. I live on my computer and its pretty high end, If i can let my GPU go to work when my computer is idle (as its on all the time anyway), I can get nothing but profit. And with bitcoings being at ~17.20 lately (awww, what happened to the 19 it was at just the other day?), I think i can make 20 bucks every 2 months or so! ...really that isnt so bad imo Every little bit helps, and like i said, my computer is idling anyway!!!
Great to be here, specially this shit is a large learning curve(imo)!
how did you configure GPU mining?
om looking to do so but i find nothing ._.
Not sure this is going to help. All I did was input email and password and clicked start. I assume u tried that.. haha