Nedavno je Theymos stavio obavjest da će se donacije forumu moći vršiti preko Grin coina.
To me zainteresiralo za taj coin jer sam tada prvi put čuo za njega.
Navodno ima rješenje za problem skaliranja(blockchain nije ovisan o starim transakcijama koje više nisu potrebne u glavnoj listi transakcija za razliku od BTC-a).
Malo sam se informirao i izgleda da se za njega ne može napraviti paper wallet, zbog načina funkcioniranja (potrebno je da i pošiljatelj i primatelj potvrde transakciju, a ne samo pošiljatelj kao kod BTC-a).
Također walleti su samo za Linux i mac.
Ja sam ga htio kupiti, ali na žalost nemam account niti na jednoj burzi na kojima se trguje s njime. Popis burzi je
Ako ste imali bilo kakvih iskustava vezanih za ovaj coin ili imate više informacija molim vas da podjelite informacije
Malo dodatnih informacija vezanih za coin:
Tehnički detalji:How many transactions per second could the Grin network do right now? What plans are there to increase that if needed?
~1.5 MB max block size, with a block per minute. Transactions are much larger than Bitcoin, though. So about 14 tps right now.
Bitcoin's scaling is limited to a large degree by the need for historical blocks to be widely available. Grin on the other hand can mostly forget its history, so its full nodes only need to store/process
live transactions, and grin can safely increase its max block size linearly with worldwide Internet speeds and/or CPU speeds.
Many altcoins just increase their max block size and hope for the best, but if any of these altcoins were actually widely used, this would cause severe centralization at best or total system failures at worst. It's like putting a bigger "max capacity" sign on an airplane. Some altcoins have ways of cutting out old history, but although there are theoretically some not-too-bad ways of doing this, usually altcoins do it in really centralized/stupid ways (eg. checkpoints, or ETH "full nodes" just not bothering to verify anything by default), and even in the best case it results in a loss of functionality and security. grin is the first coin with a reasonable, decentralized, and secure way of dropping historical data.
Na što treba paziti prilikom rađenja transakcije:let's say I create a TX file to send to you. Then for whatever reason you fail to create a response file for me to finalize and you accuse me that my TX file was bad. Is there a way for a third party to verify that?
It should be possible if you publish the tx data, but currently there seems to be no functionality for this. This was one of my complaints in my forum-grin-payments thread.
For now:
- If someone might lie about receiving grin from you, don't trade with them.
- If you receive a transaction, consider it as
absolutely unreliable until it's confirmed.
- If you send a transaction but the process is interrupted before you finalize it, you need to do
grin wallet cancel -t TXID and then (due to a bug which will probably eventually be fixed)
grin wallet check Nedostaci:You know Grin could easily be the king of in person transactions, imagine just tapping and the payment script gets transferred. Simple as that, no worries about double spend or any bullshit either. The file for transferring funds could really be nice.
Grin transactions are not immune to double-spends. Offline in-person Bitcoin transactions would have the same level of security.
NAPOMENA: Znam da je ovo za altcoin sekciju ali sam htio malo više pozornosti s obzirom da me jako zanima ovaj coin (a vjerujem i druge ljude s obzirom na inovacije koje donosi). Sutra premještam ovu temu u altcoin sekciju.