
Topic: [Group Buy]ballet wallets from (Read 636 times)

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Activity: 0
Merit: 0
نتيجة وملخص مباراة الاتحاد والشباب الدوري الاماراتي
نتيجة وملخص مباراة الاتحاد والشباب بث مباشر من خلال موقع كورة اون فى نقل ... مشاهدة مباراة الاتحاد مع الشباب فى بث مباشر فى انطلاق منافسات الجولة
بث مباشر مباراة الاتحاد ضد الشباب اليوم في كأس الإمارات
بث مباشر مباراة الاتحاد ضد الشباب اليوم الجمعة  في كأس الإمارات، حيث يستقبل الاتحاد ضيفه الشباب ، علي أرضية استاد محمد بن زايد ....
قد تصل القيمة السوقية لبيتكوين إلى تريليون دولار في وقت ما في عام 2021 حيث يأخذ المستثمرون وضع العملة الاحتياطية على محمل الجد ، وفقًا لغاريك هيلمان ، رئيس الأبحاث في
قال هيلمان إن كبار اللاعبين المؤسسيين مثل ستانلي دروكنميلر ، وبلاك روك ، وبيل ميلر ، وجاك دورسي ، أقروا بأن عملات البيتكوين لن تختفي فحسب ، بل أصبحت أصلًا احتياطيًا والتحقق من صحة أطروحة الذهب الرقمي.
تبلغ القيمة السوقية الحالية لعملة البيتكوين حوالي 442 مليار دولار ، بينما تبلغ القيمة السوقية للذهب حوالي 10 تريليون دولار. اكتسبت العملة المشفرة هذا الأسبوع 12٪ خلال يومين فقط ، وتم تداولها بسعر 22994 دولارًا يوم السبت.
لكي تصل القيمة السوقية لعملة البيتكوين إلى 1 تريليون دولار ، يجب أن تصل إلى سعر 54000 دولار لكل عملة في العام المقبل - ارتفاع بنسبة 130٪ من حيث وصلتمشاهدة مباراة الاتحاد والشباب بث مباشر اليوم في دوري الخليج
مشاهدة مباراة الاتحاد والشباب بث مباشر اليوم في دوري الأمم الأوروبية الاماراتي الثلاثاء ، حيث يستضيف الشباب نظيره الاتحاد ضمن ...
صورة خبر عن مشاهدة مباراة الاتحاد والشباب مباشر بث مباشر مصدرها كورة أون
مشاهدة مباراة الاتحاد والشباب بث مباشر

ننقل عبر موقع كورة أون مباراة الاتحاد والشباب ، حيث من المقرر أن يلتقى al-taawon-vs-al-wehda، ويستضيف اللقاء ستاد أحمد بن زايد بنادي الشباب ،
مشاهدة مباراة الشباب والاتحاد بث مباشر في دوري أبطال أفريقيا
مشاهدة مباراة الشباب والاتحاد بث مباشر في لقاء صراع قوي يفرض نفسه بين الشباب صاحب الأرض والجمهور وضيفه الاتحاد هذا المساء، حيث تكتسب
مشاهدة مباراة الاتحاد وشباب الاتحاد دبي بث مباشر دوري أبطال أفريقيا
مشاهدة مباراة الاتحاد ضد شباب الاتحاد دبي بث مباشر دوري أبطال أفريقيا الخليج ... الاتحاد,الاتحاد,الاتحاد الاماراتي,الاتحاد,شباب الاتحاد دبي,الشباب ,الشارقة,شباب.

أما بالنسبة للدولار الأمريكي ، فتوقع الباحث أن يتم رقمنة العملة الاحتياطية الأكثر شهرة في العالم في وقت ما خلال السنوات الخمس المقبلة. وقال "في هذه المرحلة ، لا يزال الاحتياطي الفيدرالي يأخذ وقته لأن الاحتياطي الفيدرالي سعيد بالطريقة التي يسير بها العالم".
وقال إن الوضع الراهن يعمل بشكل جيد بالنسبة للدولار لأنه مهيمن من خلال آلية سويفت والنظام المصرفي المقابل. يمكن للحكومة الأمريكية أيضًا رفع الديون بأسعار فائدة جذابة ، مما يدعم وضع الدولار. لكن التحدي التنافسي يكمن في مساحة العملات المشفرة وفي صعود العملات المستقرة.
يرتفع سعر البيتكوين بالقرب من نقطة "الاستنفاد" ، يحذر خبير توقيت السوق
كانت أسعار البيتكوين والنحاس في حالة تمزق خلال معظم هذا العام ، حيث سجلت مستويات قياسية وسط جائحة فيروس كورونا المستمر.
يتمتع النحاس - الذي يطلق عليه أحيانًا اسم دكتور كوبر - بسمعة طيبة بين مراقبي السوق كمقياس للاقتصاد العالمي.
يُنظر إلى المعدن الأساسي بهذه الطريقة بسبب نطاقه الواسع من الاستخدامات النهائية - سواء في البناء أو في المنتجات الاستهلاكية مثل السيارات والأجهزة الاستهلاكية.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
Hello again, are these items still available?  I'd like to place an order for one DOGE and five BITCOIN.

I would prefer to pay via the Lightning Network and would appreciate it if I can use minerjones to post to me.


I should close this thread as BalletCrypto has currently removed all wallets from page

The price for 1 Doge and 5 Bitcoin wallets would be 174.80 - I can still get 5% off on the direct site. but you can also order directly - just cannot pay with LN.
However, if you are wanting to use Lightning Network, I could place the order for you and have it shipped directly to minerjones where he would reach out to you once he receives it. And you could then pay me using LN

I am going to close the thread though - so just send me a dm if you want.

Activity: 3696
Merit: 2219
Hello again, are these items still available?  I'd like to place an order for one DOGE and five BITCOIN.

I would prefer to pay via the Lightning Network and would appreciate it if I can use minerjones to post to me.

Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?

those are not on that site - but I saw you post in the other thread (before an admin deleted it) and you had issues with shipping costs being outrageous - I can order one for you with a 5% discount (best I can do on the regular site) and have it shipped to minerjones for no cost and you can arrange shipment with minerjones from there.

yes, that is a good idea👍
then please order a set for me and let me know how much i owe you then Smiley

out and about driving - will place the order when I get home later this afternoon.

do you want the 3 card set or the 5 card set?

of course the 5 card set Smiley

Yes sir - just send me $122.50 to the btc address in OP and I will get it ordered - it will be delivered to minerjones and you can work with him for delivery after that - pretty sure it will be less than $45 Smiley

done - payment is on the way👉719e1a5f88ebb07b7a94a20ea6d875e4d5efb58e4a7afee78b859a1fc014d983
please send this set to minerjones
big thanks for your service! Smiley

transaction id: 11b2eeabf5a5b5fad4cbdb2acab05a4cb21889c574c46122a9d6223c07912ed9  --- note they will be shipped to minerjones and they do not ship until January
Activity: 3402
Merit: 9199
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?

those are not on that site - but I saw you post in the other thread (before an admin deleted it) and you had issues with shipping costs being outrageous - I can order one for you with a 5% discount (best I can do on the regular site) and have it shipped to minerjones for no cost and you can arrange shipment with minerjones from there.

yes, that is a good idea👍
then please order a set for me and let me know how much i owe you then Smiley

do you want the 3 card set or the 5 card set?

of course the 5 card set Smiley

Yes sir - just send me $122.50 to the btc address in OP and I will get it ordered - it will be delivered to minerjones and you can work with him for delivery after that - pretty sure it will be less than $45 Smiley

done - payment is on the way👉719e1a5f88ebb07b7a94a20ea6d875e4d5efb58e4a7afee78b859a1fc014d983
please send this set to minerjones
big thanks for your service! Smiley
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?

those are not on that site - but I saw you post in the other thread (before an admin deleted it) and you had issues with shipping costs being outrageous - I can order one for you with a 5% discount (best I can do on the regular site) and have it shipped to minerjones for no cost and you can arrange shipment with minerjones from there.

yes, that is a good idea👍
then please order a set for me and let me know how much i owe you then Smiley

do you want the 3 card set or the 5 card set?

of course the 5 card set Smiley

Yes sir - just send me $122.50 to the btc address in OP and I will get it ordered - it will be delivered to minerjones and you can work with him for delivery after that - pretty sure it will be less than $45 Smiley
Activity: 3402
Merit: 9199
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?

those are not on that site - but I saw you post in the other thread (before an admin deleted it) and you had issues with shipping costs being outrageous - I can order one for you with a 5% discount (best I can do on the regular site) and have it shipped to minerjones for no cost and you can arrange shipment with minerjones from there.

yes, that is a good idea👍
then please order a set for me and let me know how much i owe you then Smiley

do you want the 3 card set or the 5 card set?

of course the 5 card set Smiley
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?

those are not on that site - but I saw you post in the other thread (before an admin deleted it) and you had issues with shipping costs being outrageous - I can order one for you with a 5% discount (best I can do on the regular site) and have it shipped to minerjones for no cost and you can arrange shipment with minerjones from there.

yes, that is a good idea👍
then please order a set for me and let me know how much i owe you then Smiley

do you want the 3 card set or the 5 card set?

Activity: 3402
Merit: 9199
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?

those are not on that site - but I saw you post in the other thread (before an admin deleted it) and you had issues with shipping costs being outrageous - I can order one for you with a 5% discount (best I can do on the regular site) and have it shipped to minerjones for no cost and you can arrange shipment with minerjones from there.

yes, that is a good idea👍
then please order a set for me and let me know how much i owe you then Smiley
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?

those are not on that site - but I saw you post in the other thread (before an admin deleted it) and you had issues with shipping costs being outrageous - I can order one for you with a 5% discount (best I can do on the regular site) and have it shipped to minerjones for no cost and you can arrange shipment with minerjones from there.
Activity: 3402
Merit: 9199
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.

do you take orders for the 'Any Occasion Gift Set'?
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
Tomorrow will be the last day if you want to join on this. check the link, and save 10% of the listed prices.
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
Hey, I'll take 2 x Acrylic cases (5-pack)

will send you txid shortly, thanks!

will do!
Activity: 3570
Merit: 1959
Hey, I'll take 2 x Acrylic cases (5-pack)

will send you txid shortly, thanks!
Activity: 2338
Merit: 2541
EIN: 82-3893490
I have the means to get an order placed from BalletCrypto's sales site, where they currently have 17 different versions of their REAL Series wallets and the single card cases listed, and can offer everyone 10% off of their purchase - they would be shipped to minerjones and shipping arranged with him.

If you are wanting to get some last minute wallets to send out as Christmas gifts or to get them now and use thru the year as Birthday presents or to use just to get people introduced to crypto, then this might be a good deal for you to jump in on.

Also, anyone joining in on this group buy will get a free slot in a future raffle I will post on December 12th - the raffle will be for a 24k gold plated REAL Bitcoin wallet.

items are subject to change, currently the wallets available on the site are shown below:

I would like to place the order by 12/12/2020 so as to try and hopefully get these out to anyone that orders by Christmas.

Pricing is simple,

Acrylic cases (5-pack): $22.50
24k gold plated version: $89.10
First Day of Issue Bitcoin: $40.50
The rest: $31.50

When you are making your post be sure to post your name, quantity and version


2 - 24k gold plated
1 - Ethereum
1 - Dash
4 - Litecoin

ends:  December 12th, 2020 6pm EST

send payments to: 19w4Ug1G1C2fQf6DyAFU9GDJavmwJCLX3N

If you prefer a lightning invoice, please let me know.


2 - pack of 5 acrylic card holders - owlcatz

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