Op you've made some great outlines on what could prompt and how we could grow in wealth but let me dissect a bit.
1) Hardworking and steady grinding: You should always understand that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a mile so,
It helps you to develop to resist distractions and weaknesses but to muscle you up to encouragement of achieving great values as much energy you invested.
2) Efficient spending: Your ability to spend at most valuables than worthless things would enhance your potentials in both financial and personality growth in the sense that you'd be engaged on meaningful things that would produce you profits in either connections, knowledge and financial portfolios. So you can always utilize and find things around you valuable as assets which I may say.
3) Planning: We've always had this word that the way we dress our bed is how we'd lay on it. So while we're living in our presents today and living a portion to architect increments to our incomes is calling to create wealths through savings.
4) Investment: To grow in finance, we need to earn more possibly on diverses so that we can always secure stable financial inflow in different varieties that we can set up for a long term goal.