Have you run nvidia-smi and studied the power usage? When u run the miner have u watched teh power power&temp
Hypothitecal 1060-3 80watts 24/7/30 is $12/mon at $0.20 kwh, You will be lucky to make $1/day on BTG NET, so $18/month if lucky, but you will burn your laptop up in a few more days, so who cares?
Well, considering my kWh is only $0.08, and not $0.20, that further validates what I'm saying. It will cost me a maximum of $7.37 / month to run my laptop completely maxed out. I also have no issue running my laptop at max, considering I can always resell it when I think it's lived most of it's days out and also considering I run ridiculous things on it like Crysis 3 on Ultra using my Oculus Rift for a few hours.
I would maybe consider having it give my laptop a break at 80-85 degrees, but any computer can easily and comfortably handle that temperature for extended periods of time. This laptop doesn't have to last me forever. It's expendable. Why would I own this laptop just to let it sit around and collect dust? I'm going to use every ounce of power it has until it dies or until I sell it. We all know that in a year, there will be new laptops that will make this one obsolete, so honestly, who cares about the lifespan of the laptop? Not me. I could sell the parts easily for a few hundred even if it dies.
But ONCE AGAIN... as I said a dozen times now. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT about how much power it takes up or how fast it will die. ALL I CARE ABOUT is using this laptop to learn about Mining, how to do it, how it works, and how to optimize it all. I couldn't care less if my laptop explodes tomorrow or if my power bill is a Bazillion dollars. Although neither of which will happen in the foreseeable future. So stop talking about moot points, because none of that matters. ALL THAT MATTERS is the optimization of the mining. Let me handle the other details.