
Topic: [GUIDE] Cli-Wallet Installation on VPS [For Masternode Owners & Stakers] (Read 324 times)

hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 593
--As an update--

On August 2019, PVIX conducted a mandatory update as mentioned on their github. In this update there are a change in the command, so automatically wallet that built from PVIX fork will follow these changes. Changes are as follows:


1. To get masternode private key =
2. To get masternode outputs =
3. To activated masternode =
Before Mandatory Update

masternode privkey
masternode outputs
startmasternode alias false mn1
hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 593
Installation Steps :

1. Login on to your VPS.

As i mentioned above. Please install your vps using the Ubuntu OS 16.04. (or use requested requirements).
VPS specifications required :
  • VPS with OS Ubuntu 16.04, RAM 1GB, 25 GB SSD (For new projects. Under 1 years).
  • For old projects (above 1 years), Adjust vps specifications with the requested requirements. (Example :  Dash Masternode requirements)
  • Terminal Emulator (Putty, Bitvise, Termius and kind of it)
  • Paper, Pens and Patience

2. Installing Pre-Requisite Package

Basically, the meaning of pre-requisite is setup environment conditions (in this case your vps), so all commands that we input can run properly. Usually masternode wallet project its source are from Bitcoin Core fork. So the pre-requisite package that we will install on our vps, is a pre-requisite from Bitcoin Core. Btw, Commands that i write below can be copied-pasted. For copy paste these commands to vps, you only needs :
  • Copy command using (CTRL + C)
  • Paste it on to your vps using Right Mouse Click then ENTER
  • Copy-paste it one by one, per commands.

Pre-requisite package that we need to install are as follows:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils
sudo apt-get install -y libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev
sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev

3. Fail2ban Installation

Fail2Ban is a useful software to protect computer from attacks. You can read benefit of fail2ban installation in detail through this article : Use Fail2ban to Secure Your Server - Linode

sudo apt-get install fail2ban

4. Firewall Installation.

Firewall installation used as a protection against your server by blocking all attacks through unregistered IPs. Before you do copy-paste for these below command, please read Attention First!

Attention :
  • When you paste this command ufw enable -force on to your vps, and you have this outputs : “Error: Invalid Syntax”
  • What you need to do is just type ufw enable, then type y then Enter.
  • As you can see in this command ufw allow 12270/tcp. Number 12270 is P2P port number from FLITS project (Image below)
  • Every masternode project will have different P2P port. You can ask about P2P Port number to project team or seeing in their github or from their whitepaper. If project dev's using the newest version of explorer called Solus Explorer, usually P2P Port number already informed in explorer.
  • So, when you do paste on to your vps, Please don't forget to change 12270 with the P2P Port project number.
  • CLEAR? if yes, then you can copy this command.

ufw default any
ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw limit openSSH
ufw enable -force
ufw allow 12270/tcp

Let's do cross check if you input command with properly or not. Please type ufw status then Enter. If you do input command properly, result will be like this :

Please don't forget to change 12270 with the P2P Port project number.

5.Creating SWAP File

Swap File useful to help RAM performance when RAM conditions is in full work. Detailed informations about the advantages of creating SWAP File, you can read through this article SwapFaq. My recommendation when making a SWAP file on a vps with specifications RAM 1GB and 25GB SSD is 2GB . (My formula when making a swap file is : 2 x RAM capacity).

To know whether your VPS already has swap activity or not, just type free -h then Enter. if there is no swap information in output/result, then your vps has not swap yet. Command for creating swap file :

sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

Do cross check by typing  free -h then Enter, output will be like this :

Please read Attention below.

Attention :
  • If you have these error putputs while typing sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
  • What you need to do is just type sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=2024 count=2048576 then Enter.
  • continue with command sudo chmod 600 /swapfile and so on. Don't forget to always cross check the output.

6. DONE!
Now your VPS is ready to install the wallet from the coins you have. How?, You just have to download the cli-wallet link from project's Github account. One example how to install cli wallet for coin (let say) FLITS. You can read the steps through here. As ever, if you have questions or help how to install cli-wallet on your vps, don't hestitate to write your obstacle in next column. I will help you as soon as possible. Thank you!


hero member
Activity: 994
Merit: 593

This thread is made with purpose :
  • Sharing knowledge about Masternode & Staking
  • Sharing knowledge about Cli-Wallet installation on VPS
  • Masternode owners and staker can find out how to install CLI-wallet on their VPS (Using Ubuntu 16.04).


  • Readers can know the difference between Masternode & Staking activity.
  • Readers can setup Cli-Wallet in their own VPS (Using Ubuntu 16.04).
  • For Masternode owner. If you install QT wallet on PC, CLI-wallet (masternode wallet) on VPS. then the rewards you get from your nodes, you can send directly to your Cli-wallet. So you can run masternode while doing staking without requiring shared pool services (3rd party).


Cli-Wallet (Common Line Interface Wallet) is one of types of wallet that always provided by project devs when launching their project (see an example below).

CLI-Wallet Monero (XMR)
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