So, for a very long time, I wanted to run a full node myself to contribute to the bitcoin network. I had a very low space on SSD, but enough space on HDD. However, I read that downloading the whole blockchain using only HDD could be problematic as it might take days, and probably never fully catch up with the network, but I still wanted to try it myself.
I installed the Bitcoin core client, and tried to sync the blockchain only to HDD, but after 10 minutes found out that the expected sync time would be 4 days, which is way too much.
So, I decided that I need to split the blockchain between SSD and HDD. After splitting, the expected sync time dropped to 9 hours, so in 15 hours I finally had a fully synced blockchain on my PC.
How I did that? Here are the steps I followed:
1. Download and install the Bitcoin core client from the official website. 2. After installation, you choose where the Bitcoin Core is going to be stored (wallet, and whole blockchain). Choose HDD (in my case it's 'F:/ disk') and press OK.
3. Let the client run for a few minutes until it creates necessary folders and downloads all necessary files. Close the client (wait until it fully closes).
4. Create a new folder in your SSD (in my case it is 'C:\Users\user\Bitcoin')
5. Go back to HDD where your wallet & blockchain is located. Backup the whole folder in case something goes wrong. From there you will need two folders: '
chainstate' and '
blocks\index'. Copy and paste them into SSD folder you created ('C:\Users\user\Bitcoin' in my case) and delete those folders from HDD.
6. Press
Shift + Right mouse on Bitcoin folder in HDD and choose '
Open command window here'.
7. Type: '
mklink /j chainstate C:\Users\user\Bitcoin\chainstate' and press 'Enter'. You should see the message '
Junction created for chainstate <<===>> C:\Users\user\Bitcoin\chainstate'.
8. Do the same with second folder, type:
'mklink /j blocks\index C:\Users\user\Bitcoin\blocks\index'.
9. Now both folders should appear in your HDD disk and it should look like this.
10. And we're done, start Bitcoin core client and let it sync.
Folders in SSD will take about 3-4GB of space and the whole blockchain(~170GB) will stay in HDD.