[Guide] Factors to consider before joining paid signature campaigns. AUTHOR :CryptopreneurBrainboss
Related topic: {Facts} Benefits of promoting (joining) a quality paid signature campaign.
I don observe say our newbies/junior members dem go like join signature campaign thread wey start for this board for the past few weeks. I go suggest say una read dis post
Signature Campaign Guidelines (read this before starting or joining a campaign) and to add join d topic wey dey up, I go list some correct tins wey u suppose reason b4 u join paid signature campaign, no matter ur rank. dat na bcos d signature wey u wear dey talk many tins about u for forum.
[1]: make you try grow ur account b4 u join campaign I don reason dis one as one correct tin wey we supposed put for mind before we join campaign. if u never grow ur account well no go join campaign dat wan na becos e go only distract u. e go do u well say u join paid campaign as full member. no be say to join for member no still good Sha. make u settle down build ur account no go dey rush becos u wan chop money for forum, campaign go plenty well for future.
[2]: make u try join campaign wey u comfirm no just join becos of moneyif u be d kind person wey no like gambling and no get any idea, no go join gambling campaign just becos say Dem dey pay Wella. e go only make u come dey spam and post many off topics dem wey no sharp.
make u check dis one fo example..
If u observe, dis person dey advertise and wear one gambling signature, but e dey talk bad tin about d board. dat one no be to dey show wrong info about d tin wey e dey advertise? make una try dey join campaign wey una agree with no join only becos of money.
[3]: make u reason d total post wey u dey supposed make a week.stay away from any campaign wey require high number of post per week as all dos kind campaign na e dey make people dey spam. make u understand d wey u take dey post and from ur own post history come calculate how many post u go fit dey make a week. no rush enter any campaign wey go come make u dey post well well and u no go come dey add any value join forum.
[4]: make u join campaign wey dey encourage post, wey get quality.reason d Bitcoin wey dem dey pay u as reward for d quality post Dem wey u don make for forum also with d merit.d campaign wey u join, dey open more door for d forum and no be only Bitcoin. e get some correct campaign manager wey e be say if u join their campaign, u go come be better poster and person wey dem go recognize well for forum. na dat kind campaign u suppose dey fight to join as Dem dey encourage quality post and e go help u build your reputation come make u better person for forum.
[5]: make u try reason board wey dey accept post count.I don observe say many forum users dey join campaign, and Dem no dey reason d board wey Dem dey more active put. I go suggest say u join signature campaign base on board, wey u dey active pass. for now, I no go fit join any campaign wey no dey add beginners and help board post join dem count. dat wan na becos na dat board, na e I dey active pass, understand pass and even dey enjoy to dey answer questions to take help newbies. now, make we look am like dis say one campaign only dey accept people Dem wey dey post for
Development & Technical Discussion baord I no go apply for dat kind campaign since I no get idea with d board. even sef, most of my post go come dey out of post and off topic as I go dey try my best to complete my post count wey fit make me dey spam d board. dis one fit cause Dem make Dem ban me or commot me from campaign.
[6]: make u try know d project well before u advertise amb4 u apply for any signature campaign, make u try do some kind background check check for forum or google. this wan na to make sure say d project dey legit and no get any past record of scam. if u dey advertise scam project for signature campaign, dis one fit make u receive
negative red tag Credit:
6: try know d signature well before u advertise: check if na legit something u dey promote or not. check d link for d signature weather na spam or e go lead to phishing site. if u get doubt, talk come out no go dey quiet becos say e dey pay u
Guidelines: avoid red tag if u dey support scam project wey Dem don know[7]: make u dey reason d reputation wey campaign manager get before u applyCreditanother tin wey u go need to check na both d reputation of d campaign manager and even d campaign itself. campaign manager wey get history of better campaign wey e don organise na one correct tin wey u suppose observe and if u fit check dis one, e go help u say d campaign no come last last turn out to be one kind failure or d crypto money go con get catacata
Reputed CM:
Overview of Bitcointalk Signature Anti-Spam Campaign Managers[8]: make u verify money wey dey available and address ownership for signature campaign.before u join signature campaign, make u try dey check if d campaign manager get d Money to take pay e people dat week. u go fit do dis one, if u search d Bitcoin address wey d campaign manager post for
www.blockchain.com and if u still dey doubt d ownership of d address, u fit request for d person to con sign one message take prove say na e get the private key of dat address.
Creditcheck if d campaign manager don give one particular address wey e go take pay for d campaign and if e get enough money to take pay people. normally, d campaign don dey in agreement with one escrow wey go get better reputation for forum. and na e go dey hold all d money.
[9]: check d way wey Dem take dey pay before u apply.Credit:u go need to check, if d campaign go pay u directly go d wallet wey u want or Dem go pay d funds for their website, i.e for gambling, campaigns dey wey go want make u go create account for their website and Dem go con put d money for inside ur account for there.
u need to remember say e fit be say na u nae go pay d fees wen u wan withdraw. so if d campaign tell u say Dem go pay u 0.01 btc, den make u know say d money go small because of d fee. na only if d campaign manager go fit reason with d gambling company make Dem dey responsible for d fees.
[10]: make u try read all d rules wey Dem give for d signature campaignCredit:
to easily understand d tin: Baofeng dey talk say u fit check d rules wey dey bonus and observe if e dey full or closed and e concern those wey dey apply even doe say d campaign don full. for d bonus, e get some kind campaign dis days wey go fit give u extra bonus if u meet some kind things wey d campaign manager dey consider as quality. na only d campaign manager na e get d authority to take choose who Dem wan give d bonus or one particular position. e just be like say u dey send merit, na post wey u observe say e get quality na u go give merit.
to add join am, campaign manager get their own set of ethics wey Dem dey follow concerning d idea of jumping from one campaign to another. Dem go skip dos people wey don already get signature and dis one na to show respect to d campaign manager wey get campaign wey Dem first dey.
even though say u dey take part for dis signature campaigns dem for d forum, make u no go dey forget d main reason y dem create d forum and always dey try add value to am no matter watin u dey do as u dey here.
dis topic dey open to more suggestions from una and I go dey try update am if better idea fallout.