Hi, I´m trying to configure GUIMiner Scrypt to mine LTC in coinotron, but I can make it work.
I have the next error log. I´m using a geforce 8600m GT. I dont know what parameters (thread concurrency, worksize, etc.)I must to use for this graphics card.
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:39] Started cgminer 2.11.3
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:39] Probing for an alive pool
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:40] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:41] Maximum buffer memory device 0 supports says 134217728
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:41] Your scrypt settings come to 209715200
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:41] Error -4: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue. (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel)
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:41] GPU 0 failure, disabling!
2013-04-06 15:51:43: Listener for "Default": [2013-04-06 15:51:41] Thread 0 being disabled
And another doubt is how to configure stratum. I read the faq of guiminer scrypt but I dont underestand it. Maybe someone can explain it step by step, like:
1- I dowload the stratum miner proxy .exe
2- I open it.
3- I put in Guiminer: Host: and port:3334
4- Next step?