I have about $50 in Paypal currently that I would be willing to exchange for your BTC. I would not be sending fist, and we would not be using localbitcoins, but if you're interested in either using a forum escrow or sending me the BTC first, then we can work something out. Let me know if this is something that interests you. I will accept a 1:1, but I don't want to do anything that could potentially cause me a headache; this means I keep my funds secure.
why you don't offer the same as your offer ?
If you are looking for 1:1 then you are waiting for an extremely desperate member. I would be willing to do this exchange for you, if you would accept an extremely long hold-time, such that an unauthorized transaction claim cannot be made from the side of the sender. Outside of that, and even including that, there will not be enough security on the other side of the table for anyone to accept this exchange.
Most people will not do 1:1 for Paypal, but I occasionally do if the circumstances are right. Optimally, I would be more interested if you would bump it to a 10% rate in favor of me in addition to the hold time.
Anyone considering to do this, please be aware that an unauthorized transaction claim will almost always fall in favor of the sender.