
Topic: Hacking of crypto community via Bitcoin talk and reddit forums (Read 64 times)

Activity: 2
Merit: 0

Our group was hacked for 9171 LISk and smaller amounts of other currencies.  At one time its value was well over $300,000.00.  This was our main bag and we have been wiped out by him now.  

On 2017/12/08 08:46:53 UST a total of 9158.36489677 LSK was stolen in an unauthorized transfer from wallet number 11220155521422667595L to wallet number 15823701926930889868L.  The withdrawal from the wallet was not an authorized withdrawal and the owner of the wallet the currency was sent to was unknown.
On 2017/12/18 02:28:03 another unauthorized withdrawal was made to the same wallet for a total transaction of 13.52223369 was made completely emptying the wallet.

Still sitting in the wallet......

The hacker has been spreading a “crypto tracker spreadsheet”  or other similar names for the excel file.  Once you download and enable macros it infects your PC with a file called “usb.exe”  This is not detected by any antivirus.

He then has access to your computer and your are left with nothing.  

He has since taken down some links but many are still up.  He has been at this for over 6 months and has taken many of the crypto community this way.  

He post mostly on Reddit under various names,  here are a few active links.......DO NOT CLICK THE DOWNLOAD LINK FROM GOOGLE DRIVE!!!!!!!!

***links broken for posting***

https://www. reddit. com/r/litecoin/comments/7fqkzc/crypto_tracker_sheet_one_click_update_perfect_for/

https://www. reddit. com/r/BitcoinAll/comments/7fz2ji/crypto_tracker_sheet_one_click_update_perfect_for/

His profile on this forum....

He is also ewhoring with stolen pictures of female victims on KIK and snap chat under the name kate maran 23  links below are broken to allow for posting....

Www. Kiksnapme .com/kate-maran23/

Www. Snapchat .com/add/Kate.maran23

He is very active in the dark web selling slaves to other hackers as seen in the picture ( his email is there as well.  [email protected]  This email matches the one changelly gave us for some of the LISK we tracked down.

Spread the word on this as there are many infected computers out there and he needs to be hobbled.  We know we might never stop him,  but if we can prevent other from being hacked then we will continue to harass his work as much as we can.  

We do have legal avenues in the works and they might prove more fruitful.  But his arrest will only be bitter sweet if cannot get our funds returned. Which at this point we know we will not.
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