I send N/2 back to you.
simple as that.
no catches, no strings attached.
you know upfront how much you'll loose
and I promise to keep having a good life.
if it goes well, I will change the ration keep/return
from 1:1 maybe up to 5:95
but you'll always loose your bitcoins
in this schema.
at least I'm honest and do not promise doubling or so.
I can sense the hmdark sarcasm behind your post! You are obviously mocking gambling here. Possibly you have seen such trend from your gambling activities. There's no denying that many people see such results from their gambling activities.
But you know what, gambling is not really a way to make money. I consider gambling is an adult's way of entertainment. Just like a kid going to an amusement park, adults go to casinos. The end result is adrenaline rush and that's what we all enjoy! Chill!