Sorry, we certainly don't mean to sound ungrateful. Multiple currencies in a single wallet is an easy to understand idea in the tangible world, but Bitcoin-based cryptocurrencies are by no means really that simple, at least when you consider inputs and outputs and key management etc. It makes us question whether "wallet" was ever a very good analogy to begin with.
Still, in that regard, what you say makes perfect sense. A friendly user experience is only going to come from discovering the bridge between some analogy the user is already familiar with, and the New Idea. That's what we're trying to figure out here, and that's why we're asking ourselves how we can introduce multiple wallets, without sacrificing power or (perhaps more importantly) clarity.
So to reiterate, the two "competing" ideas right now are:
Change the context of the whole app based on the wallet selected.
This would eliminate buttons in the SEND window to change wallets, etc. It would only ever be done from one area in the app. Transfers between wallets would happen as a normal SEND action (with the other wallets being conveyed as Contact List entries)
Give the impression of one "wallet" across the entire app.
Presumably this would involve giving a lot of control to the user about inputs/outputs, and would therefore involve much more complex dialogs. It would be nice for someone (Gaff?) to create a mockup of this so we can understand it better.