I hope you don't mind if I post this here.
I got a 6950 today, runs sweet right out of the box, many thanks again to Vorsholk for EasyLTC
When I try to run my 6850 at the same time, the whole system shuts down after a few minute and will only restart after I switch the PSU off and on again.
It's an Artic cooling 750W, am I right in assuming it is not up to the load? The 6850 is powered by 1 6pin pcie power block adapted from 2 molex connectors.
I have an Akasa Venom 1000W ordered and was planning to run two 6950 and two 6850, then expanding to 5 6950 eventually.
Am I seriously underestimating my PSU requirements?
Will I be able to keep the 2 6850 on the 750W and use the 1000W for the 2/3 6950 while they are all on the same board?