
Topic: Has anybody here deployed 'chia plotting' on Amazon AWS?? (Read 84 times)

Activity: 182
Merit: 30
I did find this company so this is a good start, they want 12 BP ( british pound), what's that 15 USD? So I could be selling my 16x plots for 16*15 = 240$ /day

Let's see, thats 0.0012 xch day, or $1.03/day of chia income

So I can mine on hpool with 16 plots and get $1.03, or solo-mine with chia-net and get zero, or I could get $240/day selling my plots

You guess where this is all going? Right now my plots ( 108gb ) sit on my HDD, and they don't go anywhere, the mining-pool just sends a few bytes home to confirm I have a valid plot every few minutes, low bandwidth. Can you imagine when every body starts uploading 'plots' to to where? Where the hell is this storage, and for how much??

I can only imagine it must be file-coin?? Other than AWS, or google, who else has massive  storage? The folks above say you plot can be downloaded 3 times for 30 days, so they have a cap on bandwidth & storage.

I have always felt that the scam of chia was to target millenials wokesters, this is all making sense so they can do all this on their mobile phones and be green and never have to touch real hardware.

Lastly, the same guy who sponsors the chia-calculator ( bullshit in my opinion ), is the one selling plots and selling  chia. IMHO the only real barometer on how much a payout on a plot is, is how much hpool pays you for a plot and its right now about 1XCH/MONTH for 400 plots.
Activity: 182
Merit: 30
Hello, I dabble in chia-plotting do about 16x day plot generation, for the last few months. A plot is large 108gb file created similar to a bitcoin sha-256 hash, the name of the file represents the hash of that 'plot' (file); The space of chia is all the plots combined at that point in time given  8% daily growth that is 51k new plots added to the network daily

Morons solo mine, what they don't understand is that last month (1eb) they needed 1k plots to win, this month you need 10k plots to win. This is why I pool-mine using hpool, which has been around for months.

So, I have a good idea of what I earn, right now at current space EB is 7.4, e.g. 7.4 billion-billion bytes

400 plots can earn 1 chia every month on hpool (dot com) right now, so 1 plot earns 7 cents / day.

I'm curious how much it costs to host and generate plots, AWS ain't cheap the resources to make a plot are enormous 6-8 hours and 1.5 trillion random r/w on a virtual-disk

Just curious if there is anybody out there stupid enough to do this, and what your paying.

Lot's of people are now offering 'plots' for sale; but I never see the price, given how much it costs to make plots ( I mean I burn up one nvme on every 100 plot creation ), and you need a super-computer, and 3 nvme system, ... its not a cheap hobby to make plots.

So lots of people who want to be green think "I will just buy plots, or farm them on amazon on my mobile phone", ... how much is this costing you? For 7 cents a day, that drops by 1/2 every nine days ( chia space grows 8% per day ), doubles every 9 days, ergo your income on fixed plots 1/2 every 9 days.
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