There's a solution for that, second layer trading.
Stakenet’s Layer 2 DEX just went into open beta to try and solve this issue with onchain congestion and fees. By operating on Layer 2 tech offchain using Lightning Network you can have cheap instant trades and as the DEX is built into a Multicurrency wallet you don’t have to move your coins anywhere. They are currently integrating Raiden Network to bring ETH and ERC20 support to the DEX.
If you want to learn more and try it out yourself, you can download and run the DEX on your own here:
On the Stakenet Youtube channel, there are short video tutorials explaining how it all works:
Been playing around with it a lot as of lately, and it's VERY fast to trade between BTC / LTC / XSN. It's pretty much instant.
This could easily become the next big thing, thoughts?
In theory sounds really good, but I want to know how this can be achieved. A normal exchange is asking 50K sats for a BTC withdrawal, because of the high network fees, how much the Stakenet layer 2 dex handle this. In other words, what I want to know, how much I pay when I withdraw my BTC. Thanks!