I just put in 4 sell orders this morning. They were all taken out of the prospective balances but wiped off my portfolio balance and not showing up anywhere in open orders..yest they money has been taken out of each crypto balance I am selling from. Has the site been hacked or is there now serious glitch? I sent in now a support ticket but I doubt I will see any joy..
Anyone else facing this problem?
Get your lost coins back you tried to sell
https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/44674/page/last#post-107199 As for trading while the system is so stressed it would be most wise to take notes of all the data just before clicking execute. And also copy and paste the OPEN ORDER(s) as soon as they post so that one can go back and easier know what is what when moving along fast trading away. It may be a pain, but at least that way you will know what's what without a doubt.
No one has 'lost' monies. Not so far. And BigVern stated he will cover any missing funds. There have only been delays. Some longer than others. And maybe some far too long. But eventually it appears everyone is getting their issues solved.
That link above may allow oneself to solve it all by themselves. Might want to try it and see if it works after reading the entire thing along with reader replies.
On 12-12-13 to 12-13-13 for 24 hours I placed many deposits and withdrawals as well as many trades too. Everything went fine for the most part. One delayed btc deposit only. And one xpm withdrawal that took two efforts to make it go through. All the trades, around a dozen different types of cryptos were imputed and all went off without fail. Some updated fast, others not. But they all posted in a reasonable amount of time. Things work better late at night and the wee early AM too.
As for peak times in the evening things were a bit shaky, otherwise hardly any lag at other times.
I hope this helps calm nerves. Cryptsy is coming through for their customers and I for one still fully trust them with my crypto but I don't merely leave it there. Instead I send it home to a dedicated pc just for wallets and nothing else at all, and it's CAT 5 cable comes out as soon as wallets are updated.
And of course I again put my crypto where my text is too, after taking 2 weeks off for Cryptsy to get a handle on things I read where things were suddenly better so I first sent one deposit, after it arrived at Cryptsy then another, repeat. Then the trades, then the withdrawals. It all worked and functioned almost flawlessly.
Their making progress.
And automated audit(s) even hit my account too.
I didn't request it, so it looks like their maybe sweeping accounts to find any and all possible errors.
Recent Audits
Requested Processed Changes
2013-12-14 18:29:28 2013-12-14 18:29:39 None
2013-12-13 10:48:09 2013-12-13 10:48:15 None
2013-12-13 04:37:29 2013-12-13 04:37:37 None
2013-12-13 03:49:10 2013-12-13 03:49:19 None
2013-12-13 03:46:33 2013-12-13 03:46:40 None
That showed up at the top of my Balances Screen this morning.
But I never requested it.
Still it gave me comfort knowing about 1000 trades over the last few months all ended up fine.
And according to what I knew already they were fine. And every time I thought there was a problem it ended up being not true.
Cryptsy with BigVern (Paul) running the show has my trust.
He and the entire team earned it. And their taking the challenge of all this overwhelming demand.
Don't worry. IF we're safe anywhere it's likely at Cryptsy where we are safest of all.
But don't forget to consider quickly jotting down the trade data before clicking execute so you can solve it all quite easily later on should anything go awry. It's only the prudent thing to do for every trade we do!
I have a sense that Cryptsy is on the cupst of getting up to speed again though. Crossing my fingers...hoping it's true.
Again: SEE THIS:
Get your lost coins back you tried to sell
https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/44674/page/last#post-107199Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!