[2:05:39 PM] Coldice: hello
[7:09:23 PM] umsa: hi
[7:09:24 PM] umsa: man
[7:09:28 PM] umsa: still need MSDN
[7:09:31 PM] umsa: i going fist
[7:09:34 PM] umsa: for invite
[7:09:41 PM] umsa: shoot me your EMAIL
[7:12:48 PM] umsa: Let me know
[7:12:55 PM] umsa: if you agree
[7:13:01 PM] umsa: i send invite and than you send BTC
[7:23:42 PM] umsa: U there?!
[7:36:24 PM] umsa: Let me know
[7:36:27 PM] umsa: i am going first
[7:36:32 PM] umsa: i only need your e-mail
[7:36:40 PM] umsa: And invite will be send
[7:38:10 PM] Coldice: ok wait
[7:38:16 PM] umsa: (y)
[7:38:21 PM] Coldice: price
[7:38:26 PM] umsa: We said 25$
[7:38:29 PM] umsa: i go first
[7:38:31 PM] umsa: invite
[7:38:33 PM] Coldice: ok
[7:38:37 PM] umsa: you have 150$ azure
[7:38:38 PM] umsa: per MONTH
[7:38:40 PM] umsa: and keys
[7:38:46 PM] Coldice: so I need to give you my registered msdn email
[7:38:46 PM] umsa: keys are not unlimited...
[7:38:50 PM] umsa: no
[7:38:53 PM] umsa: a NEW mail
[7:38:58 PM] umsa: you can NOT use the same
[7:39:03 PM] umsa: if you got msdn before...
[7:39:16 PM] umsa: just outlook or hotmail will do the trick ;)
[7:42:31 PM] Coldice:
[email protected][7:43:41 PM] Coldice: that's my new mail
[7:43:48 PM] Coldice: let me know when done
[7:44:18 PM] umsa: you are 100% sure the mail is correct
[7:44:25 PM] umsa: because i have no option to EDIT
[7:44:34 PM] umsa: il lose 1 invite if the mail is wrong
[7:44:35 PM] umsa: !!
[7:44:58 PM] Coldice: dude
[7:45:16 PM] umsa: yes?
[7:45:19 PM] Coldice: its perfect
[7:45:30 PM] umsa: Ok invite is send
[7:45:31 PM] Coldice: if you still want to make sure
[7:45:35 PM] Coldice: then send an email to this
[7:45:58 PM] umsa: it's send
[7:46:01 PM] umsa: check
[7:46:02 PM] umsa: ..
[7:46:25 PM] Coldice: got it
[7:46:33 PM] umsa: ok
[7:46:41 PM] Coldice: what the products that are unlimited in this
[7:46:52 PM] umsa: You have some MAC keys
[7:46:56 PM] umsa: you can use them 20x
[7:47:04 PM] umsa: the other keys CAN be used up to 5 pc's
[7:47:07 PM] umsa: whitout risk
[7:47:07 PM] umsa: :)
[7:47:26 PM] umsa: Can you sent btc plc?
[7:48:06 PM] Coldice: the mail I received is not in English ?
[7:48:15 PM] umsa: it's german that is no issue
[7:48:17 PM] umsa: you can change it
[7:48:26 PM] Coldice: i got it
[7:48:35 PM] Coldice: so you are from Germany
[7:48:42 PM] umsa: im belgium
[7:48:44 PM] umsa: i apply in german
[7:48:45 PM] Coldice: do you also sell admin account
[7:48:47 PM] umsa: no
[7:48:49 PM] umsa: invites only
[7:49:09 PM] umsa: I send the invite please send money
[7:49:25 PM] Coldice: just 4 mins
[7:49:51 PM] Coldice: address
[7:49:55 PM] umsa: 1N4N9GEX9TU5smkzooF5vAobBAXuTjK2cD
[7:51:09 PM] umsa: I hope you not scammed me here
[7:51:17 PM] Coldice: i need just 5 mins to make sure it works
[7:51:20 PM] Coldice: no man
[7:51:22 PM] umsa: it works
[7:51:26 PM] Coldice: you are not scammed
[7:51:31 PM] Coldice: don't worry
[7:51:36 PM] umsa: i am scammed ?!
[7:51:40 PM] umsa: ok ..
[7:51:51 PM] umsa: so why you scammed me?
[7:52:00 PM] Coldice: typo mistake
[7:52:04 PM] Coldice: :p
[7:52:05 PM] umsa: Please send my money i am worried now
[7:52:08 PM] umsa: it' works
[7:52:09 PM] umsa: 100%
[7:52:31 PM] Coldice: if you think you are scammed you can cancel the invite
[7:52:37 PM] umsa: No then i lose it
[7:52:47 PM] Coldice: i was scammed earlier for admin account
[7:52:51 PM] umsa: :/
[7:52:55 PM] Coldice: so i will have to make sure for this
[7:52:57 PM] Coldice: this time
[7:53:05 PM] umsa: invite i can not scam
[7:53:07 PM] umsa: i send it
[7:53:17 PM] umsa: i whent first
[7:55:58 PM] umsa: I see Status ACTIVE
[7:56:08 PM] umsa:
First name
Last name
Date added
[email protected]Active
[7:56:39 PM] Coldice: confirmed
[7:56:42 PM] Coldice: thanks
[7:56:47 PM] Coldice: sending $25 btc
[7:56:50 PM] Coldice: ok
[7:56:52 PM] umsa: Thanks
[7:57:05 PM] umsa: 1N4N9GEX9TU5smkzooF5vAobBAXuTjK2cD
[7:58:56 PM] umsa: ?
[8:00:00 PM] umsa: I have no idea whats the point to scam for 25 USD
[8:00:10 PM] umsa: (facepalm)
[8:00:42 PM] Coldice: To view this shared photo, go to: https://login.skype.com/login/sso?go=xmmfallback?pic=0-weu-d2-a4da2dd8f7e2060ccae15aca8839ac0e
[8:01:30 PM] umsa: pls tell me what it says i cant get pics
[8:01:32 PM] umsa: on iphone
[8:01:35 PM] umsa: it says whoops ?
[8:01:43 PM] umsa: like when u try to activate !?
[8:02:16 PM] Coldice: i went to this link
[8:02:16 PM] Coldice: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/add/default.aspx
[8:02:20 PM] umsa: yeah thats normall (ask ANY) msdn seller
[8:02:26 PM] umsa: it takes a few hours max 2-3
[8:02:31 PM] Coldice: then it says please add a subscription
[8:02:34 PM] umsa: ask ANY is always like this ;)
[8:02:36 PM] umsa: yep
[8:02:42 PM] umsa: you need to use the info FROM DASHBOARD
[8:02:48 PM] Coldice: it asked me for subscriber id
[8:02:50 PM] umsa: but this "error" is normall :)
[8:02:58 PM] umsa: ask any seller if u not belive me
[8:03:18 PM] umsa: it takes like 2-3 hours to be in the "system" pls ask more trusted sellers if u not belive me...
[8:03:20 PM] umsa: i not scammed you
[8:03:26 PM] umsa: this is now on MS side
[8:03:28 PM] umsa: not mine
[8:03:30 PM] umsa: :(
[8:03:53 PM] umsa: and subcribe id
[8:03:58 PM] umsa: wtf you put there?!
[8:04:01 PM] umsa: it seems not right
[8:04:05 PM] umsa: it's a number
[8:04:06 PM] umsa: not letters
[8:04:15 PM] umsa: you have teamviewer ?
[8:04:33 PM] umsa: if yes let me do it for you ;)
[8:04:42 PM] Coldice: where is where is subscriber id
[8:04:46 PM] Coldice: in dashboard
[8:04:49 PM] umsa: yes
[8:04:58 PM] umsa: MSDN subscription ID
[8:05:01 PM] umsa: and than some numbers
[8:05:04 PM] umsa: NO letters
[8:05:16 PM] umsa: and for email use the one after Microsoft account
[8:05:19 PM] umsa: in dashboard
[8:05:20 PM] umsa: :)
[8:05:35 PM] umsa: and still it will take 2-3 hours to work you can ask all the seller in any forums :)
[8:05:42 PM] umsa: thats not im my power
[8:05:43 PM] umsa: ..
[8:06:13 PM] umsa: The info MUST match the dashboard
[8:06:19 PM] umsa: name id and email
[8:07:42 PM] Coldice: i entered correct data
[8:07:45 PM] Coldice: it still says
[8:07:46 PM] Coldice: Whoops! Unrecognized Subscription Data Entered
[8:08:05 PM] umsa: yes i said it takes 2-3 HOURS for it to work, please ask ALL THE seller in ANY forum it's always like this
[8:08:08 PM] umsa: not only for you ;)
[8:08:15 PM] Coldice: oh
[8:08:17 PM] umsa: thats not in my hand anymore :(
[8:08:24 PM] umsa: but it will work 1000%
[8:08:29 PM] Coldice: sure
[8:08:45 PM] umsa: can you send me the btc pls?
[8:08:59 PM] Coldice: only after complete confirmation
[8:09:03 PM] umsa: then give me the login
[8:09:05 PM] umsa: i will do it
[8:09:08 PM] umsa: and let u know once it works
[8:09:15 PM] umsa: you can change the pass later easy
[8:09:23 PM] umsa: il try each 1 minute
[8:09:27 PM] umsa: i know it works
[8:09:27 PM] umsa: ..
[8:09:32 PM] Coldice: i can also do that
[8:09:40 PM] Coldice: i will receive a mail form msdn
[8:09:41 PM] umsa: But than i am not sure when it worked
[8:09:43 PM] umsa: No
[8:09:44 PM] umsa: you wont
[8:09:47 PM] umsa: no mail....
[8:09:53 PM] umsa: Please give me the login i do it for you
[8:10:01 PM] umsa: once it works i confirm it you check
[8:10:02 PM] umsa: and pay
[8:10:51 PM] umsa: Just set some temporary password
[8:11:33 PM] umsa: :/
[8:12:23 PM] umsa: hello?
[8:12:43 PM] umsa: Ok i will cancel it than
[8:13:08 PM] umsa: and open scam report on the forum AND On mpgh
[8:13:24 PM] Coldice:
[email protected][8:13:30 PM] Coldice: dude i was changing password
[8:13:34 PM] umsa: SOrry you whent offline i tought you gone
[8:13:41 PM] Coldice: yeah
[8:13:45 PM] umsa: ok let me do it i guarantee it will work :)
[8:13:47 PM] Coldice: bad connection
[8:13:59 PM] umsa: Np
[8:14:01 PM] Coldice: ^FN7^=83uX4v/kN
[8:14:08 PM] Coldice: now if i don't pay you
[8:14:15 PM] Coldice: then you can have this
[8:14:20 PM] Coldice: and if i pay
[8:14:21 PM] Coldice: then
[8:14:25 PM] Coldice: don't scam me
[8:14:26 PM] umsa: You mean you not like to get ti!?
[8:14:34 PM] Coldice: i want it
[8:14:45 PM] Coldice: i can get 20 keys from this account
[8:14:49 PM] Coldice: ?
[8:14:55 PM] umsa: It depends what key
[8:15:00 PM] umsa: totall around 100 keys
[8:15:20 PM] Coldice: each key must be minimum of $5
[8:15:25 PM] umsa: they are
[8:15:26 PM] Coldice: ?
[8:15:30 PM] umsa: well you never sold?
[8:15:35 PM] umsa: i will explain you if needed
[8:15:47 PM] Coldice: i sold vcc and aws acc's only
[8:15:55 PM] Coldice: and btc exchange
[8:16:01 PM] umsa: you make at least 100$ from this invite
[8:16:03 PM] umsa: 100%
[8:16:29 PM] Coldice: ok
[8:16:37 PM] Coldice: let me know when account is activated
[8:16:46 PM] Coldice: i am going out
[8:16:46 PM] umsa: How long you are online ?
[8:17:00 PM] Coldice: will come after 1-2 hours
[8:17:08 PM] umsa: ok i wait you
[8:17:11 PM] Coldice: ok
[8:17:12 PM] umsa: pls not forget me
[8:17:14 PM] umsa: i need this money
[8:17:17 PM] umsa: ;(
[8:23:35 PM] umsa: done?
[9:21:42 PM] umsa: Tell me once u back
[10:10:56 PM] umsa: Account works n,ow
[10:16:20 PM] umsa: When u there tell me
[10:16:33 PM] Coldice: wait
[10:16:36 PM] Coldice: let me check
[10:17:21 PM] Coldice: lol
[10:17:28 PM] Coldice: that's good
[10:17:32 PM] Coldice: This subscription was previously activated using a different Microsoft account.
To change the Microsoft account you use to login to your subscription:
1. Login with the Microsoft account you originally associated with your subscription.
2. Go to My Account.
3. Select Change the Microsoft account for this subscription.
For more information, visit Managing My Account.
[10:17:43 PM] Coldice: i got this when i entered the info
[10:17:58 PM] umsa: Yes i setup on different account to make surr
[10:18:07 PM] umsa: I can transfer it we use escorw ok?
[10:18:20 PM] Coldice: now that's a part of scammer
[10:18:24 PM] Coldice: no problem
[10:18:28 PM] Coldice: keep your account with you
[10:18:32 PM] umsa: Why scammer i offer escrow
[10:18:46 PM] umsa: Ok il report you on the forum say good bye to your full member
[10:18:54 PM] Coldice: ok np
[10:18:54 PM] umsa: I show i offer escorw to them
[10:18:58 PM] Coldice: lets see
[10:19:10 PM] umsa: Whats a scammer if i offer ESCROW
[10:19:15 PM] umsa: Can you explain?
[10:19:22 PM] Coldice: go ahead and report
[10:19:26 PM] Coldice: it is you who is selling
[10:19:38 PM] Coldice: i even gave you password for you to be sure
[10:19:45 PM] umsa: Ok then login now
[10:19:50 PM] Coldice: and you are saying that i am scammer
[10:19:51 PM] umsa: I transfer it
[10:19:51 PM] Coldice: no no
[10:19:53 PM] umsa: Moment
[10:19:58 PM] Coldice: i don't want it now
[10:20:11 PM] umsa: Ok ^^
[10:21:26 PM] umsa: You never wanted to pay.... I am 100% sure all you wanted is grab keys and go away
[10:21:32 PM] umsa: I have vouches
[10:21:38 PM] umsa: In the forum where are yours?
[10:21:41 PM] umsa: :)
[10:21:49 PM] Coldice: vouches can be fake also
[10:21:55 PM] Coldice: make another profile buy it
[10:22:02 PM] umsa: Yes form 1 hero and 2 legendary
[10:22:03 PM] Coldice: and pay users for vouches
[10:22:40 PM] umsa: Reported in the forum
[10:22:47 PM] Coldice: good
[10:22:54 PM] umsa: Go ahead defend you :)
[10:32:08 PM] Coldice: enjoy kid
[10:32:16 PM] Coldice: (party)
[10:34:14 PM] umsa: I enjoy each time i catch some low life scammer like you are
[10:35:20 PM] umsa: You are rusticbroadcastmpgh as well
[10:35:30 PM] umsa: I report you everywhere wait a bit
[10:35:44 PM] Coldice: do it
[10:35:48 PM] Coldice: you are like a kid
[10:35:52 PM] Coldice: not a professional
[10:36:12 PM] umsa: Maybe i am a kid ;) but not a scammer like you, and il kick your ass
[10:36:15 PM] umsa: ^^
[10:36:25 PM] umsa: You refuse escrow simply because hou try to scam
[10:36:52 PM] Coldice: go on kid