Just putting this out there. No idea what the best way to work this would be, but preferably I borrow your GPUs and pay a percentage based on %'s "invested." At some point I buy GPUs, you buy rigs and we go our separate ways.
I have 11 MSI z77-g45 boards, cheap celeron ivy bridge CPUs, RAM, SSDs, PSUs etc. "Proof" available on request.
I planned on starting a litecoin farm long before the recent spike in price. I put in the research and effort, bought and returned several different types of cards/psus and more. I have a plan for mounting these things up, too. The market had other plans, now I'm pissed I didn't start a week or two earlier.
I am located in the midwest, like dead center of the country midwest. Willing to travel or do whatever it takes to make everyone involved feel safe, you should be willing to do the same.
Scam accusations will be laughed at and disregarded. Thanks for looking