
Topic: Have we misunderstood the opening of the Seals in Revelations? (Read 128 times)

sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 302
The thing with prophesies is you can read anything into them. No doubt the Middle Eastern Christians thought the end is near when they saw the Muslim horde coming upon them. Well guess what 1,300 years later and it still hasn't come.

How does the red horse correlate to the Arab spring?

Blood everywhere? Same can be said for any large revolution though LOL.
sr. member
Activity: 1036
Merit: 279
The problem with prophesies is that they almost always end up biting you in the ass. I understand why Arab Christians wants the apocalypse to finally come, they've been discriminated and hunted down in their own lands.

Doesn't change anything though, they will continue to get trampled on till whenever if they don't resist. The Christian militias staying behind and choosing to fight ISIS instead of fleeing was a good start.
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1150
How does a rider on a white horse with a bow but no arrows correlate to the islamic prophet?
How does the red horse correlate to the Arab spring?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
Arab Christians understand the opening of the Seals like this:
The seals of revelations hold the scroll shut. It is after they are opened that you have a world wide apocalypse. A nuclear apocalypse. The whole world to Noah, Daniel and John the Revelator is the Middle East. To the Christan's in the Middle East, they understand that the first 5 seals have been broken.

- The First seal is the rider on the white horse with a bow but no arrows. This is the false Islamic prophet.

- The Second seal is the red horse which is the Arab Spring. It is the Red Horse of Rebellion.

- The Black horse with the scales is the economic depression in the Middle East, specifically where the rebellion and fighting is still occurring. The people there, literally work a whole day for a quart of grain.

- The fourth horse is the green horse. The Greek word means green. And green is the holy color of Islam. Death and Hades follows close behind. That should be self explanatory.

- The fifth seal are the soles under the alter who have been killed violently because of their testimony. This has taken place since the Arab Spring started and is still occurring. We are nearing the end of the fifth seal.

- The sixth seal is the Great earthquake and everyone hides in the mountains. This is the largest thermonuclear blast in history detonated over the United States. The rapture appears to take place in a twinkle of an eye before this occurs.

It is Islamic prophecy and specifically Iran, that believes that before their Mahdi (12th Imam) comes back, that the sun rises from where it sits. It rises in the West. The Iranians and their leadership, takes this to mean, a great nuclear fireball that appears to be as large as the sun detonated off the USA. They believe that the USA is the Rome of today. And that Allah has charged them with the task of destroying Rome (the USA), and to bring about the world Apocalypse. They have had nuclear weapons since the 1990's, and North Korea has been testing them.

At this time, there are 12 commercial airliners missing from all over the world and most from the Middle East. I do not know what the delivery system will be. But it is my guess that these commercial airliners could easily be repainted and flown into any USA airport, as a passenger jet, but having been weaponized with a thermonuclear warhead. The size of which, would be a continent killer. It's my opinion, (not fact) that this is the great earthquake. And the rapture takes place in a twinkle of an eye before this event. This is the destruction of the Biblical Babylon in Revelations. and of course, with the rising tensions in the world, all nations with nuclear weapons will lash out with their nukes, on whom ever they think attacked them. And the earth is cleansed by fire.

The beast has authority over the whole world. And it is true that the Islamic religion has authority over the world of bibical times, which is the The Middle East. 666 is the holy number of Islam. And the Greek letters that spell out 666 are the same character symbols that spell out in Arabic, "In the name of Allah". And we will know when it is about to happen, because we will see the abomination (The false religion Islam), standing in the place where it ought not, or holy place.

This merely suggest that is a place set apart. Not necesarily the Temple Mount. (Islam is already there.) I do not know what this will be. But it will be shocking and broadcast over all of the news media. An example may be, an Islamic flag placed at the 911 memorial. But I do not know. It will have something to do with Islam, and will be in obviously in a place, where it should not be.

Watch and be ready!

See, also:

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