For me it's amazing you guys even changed all the things on your review everytime "Esteban" requested. You're doing a review and not even paid for it. I do agree you shouldn't have misreviewed the site though if they only do Bitcoin, why did you also name other cryptos?
Anyway, funny story but I guess none of us are shocked!
Hi slaman29,
Thanks for your post! The Tone Vays story can be found here:
Well, the reason for listing other cryptos is that you could speculate in such other cryptos at BitMEX through derivative instruments. This essentially means that you could buy contracts saying "if ETH goes up 10%, this contract goes up 100%" (such example would have had what we call 10x leverage). So if you wanted to speculate in a certain crypto, there were a few other options than BTC available visavis the contracts. The contracts were normally 10x-50x. However, the only crypto you could own directly (and not be exposed to only visavi contract) was BTC...
Hope this clarifies.