Some more details could be helpful: What cards? (I'd assume the 1080ti Seahawk version, but I'd rather not guess.) What driver version? What OS?
What software are/were you using to adjust the clock settings? Afterburner?
What troubleshooting steps have you already tried? (Besides attempting to reset clock settings) Have you reinstalled the drivers?
The nuclear option would be to reinstall your OS and redo everything from there, but I don't think you've exhausted all easier possibilities yet.
Sorry windows 10, MSI seahawk 1080ti. I used afterburner. Ya I havent reinstalled drivers... I was wondering if that was a viable option. I will try what u guys mentioned. Power down and if not then reinstall drivers then the nuclear option if worse comes to worse.
I don't have any nvidia rigs, but here's what I would do:
Command prompt as admin and do a "sfc /scannow" to repair potential corrupted windows files
Use something like DDU to remove the drivers and reinstall them
Power off the computer, flick the switch on the PSU and then press the power button for a few seconds to clean the system of residual electricity. This may seem stupid, but I have some rigs that for one reason or another require this shutdown and electricty cleanse. They will typically mine flawlessly for a week or more until a card crashes. I reboot the rig, it starts mining and then crashes again until I do this.