hey there guys, i installed the python miner using this bash script:
sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl subversion
svn checkout http://svn.json-rpc.org/trunk/python-jsonrpc
cd python-jsonrpc/
sudo python setup.py install
cd ..
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm/raw/master/BitcoinMiner.cl
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm/raw/master/BitcoinMiner.py
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm/raw/master/poclbm.py
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm/raw/master/sha256.py
however, when attempting to run, via
poclbm.py -d1 --host=deepbit.net --port=8332 --user=c*****@live.co.uk --pass=***##*
i get this error
poclbm.py: command not found
how to fix?
Many thanks! and ill be sure to donate some bit coin to the one who fixes my problem! (as soon as i mine it of course)
if one is more inclined to help, will donate my first 6 hours of earnings to them. (gtx 570
furthermore, with the lack of replies to this thread im starting to wonder weather i have made a stupid mistake!
Much obliged, gentlemen!