Just signed up a few minutes ago and immediately found a board that suited me, I think every community has rules, if you don't mind, what are the absolute rules?
I'm someone who likes to share referral links from mini-apps that I work on Telegram, is sharing referral links here allowed?
Like any other educational platform, Bitcointalk is an avenue to learn about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Ensure that the referral links you are sharing are not related to scams. Also, note that the use of chatbots to make posts is prohibited and could lead to a ban. Also ensure that you reference the source of every information that is not yours. You are welcome.
Welcome to the largest community in the whole world, do everything possible to go through the official rules and regulation that governed this community so that you will be able to achieve your goal in the future.
I don't think Bitcointalk is the largest online community in the world, maybe Reddit holds such a title. Maybe Bitcointalk is the largest crypto community in the world.