i have also domain name without website i want to sell for 0.2 bitcoin the domain is zmakemoney.com .the domain is at godaddy.
right now .com websites can be bought for 9$ to 11$ only
Do you understand what a domain broker does? I am a domain broker, even though we get the domains cheap, we resell at a higher price because its usually a domain that people want.
I bought a domain for $1.07 and sold it for $300 because it was high SEO. The buyer knew i paid only $1.07, but it was a domain that everyone wanted.
may you give the name of said domain? so we can better trust you.
Due to a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) I cannot. You must respect that. I will say that it was a political domain.
I actually just listed my domains listed now in a new post.